Norton Rose Fulbright commits to 40:40:20 aspirational gender diversity target

Global Press release - Firm February 3, 2020

Norton Rose Fulbright today announced its new aspirational gender diversity target: a minimum of 40% women, a minimum of 40% men and 20% flexibility to be truly inclusive. The ratio will form the basis for a range of gender metrics, including:

  • Overall partnership
  • Management committees and leadership roles (including client relationship partners and business services leaders)
  • Partner promotions
  • External partner candidates
  • Senior business services hires

Sally Macindoe, Norton Rose Fulbright's Global Head of Diversity, said:

"Five years ago, we set a goal of having women comprise 30% of our partnership and key management committees by 2020. We have achieved the global target for representation on our management committees, while coming close to our goal for overall representation of women in the partnership."

Peter Martyr, Norton Rose Fulbright's Global Chief Executive, said:

"We are proud of what we have accomplished since setting our initial gender goals. The fact that we will fall short of one of our 2020 targets shows that there is still more to be done. However, this should not deter us from continuing to be ambitious in pushing forward with the attraction, retention, development and advancement of women across our business."

