NRF Transform abstract

NRF Horizon Scanner

Early assessment of upcoming changes to law and regulation

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A tailored service tracking regions and topics specific to your business with all relevant changes in law and regulation explained and prioritised for action.

Global businesses must navigate complex, changing laws and regulations to satisfy regulators, customers and investors. This increasing complexity demands a new approach to horizon scanning or else businesses face increased regulatory scrutiny, reputational harm, large fines and criminal prosecution.

Our research shows that most organisations waste time and money on a risky, unstructured approach to horizon scanning, relying on information from disparate sources without the accompanying analysis, interpretation, and structure necessary to assess the impact on their operations.

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With our horizon scanning solution, our global team of lawyers track and consolidate the important developments for your sector, explain their impact and recommend next steps. The information is structured by theme and region, reflecting your requirements. Information can be pulled from this knowledge base in several ways. Routine updates are sent to identified contacts, indicating priorities for action where appropriate.

We can track any jurisdiction or topic you require, including:

  • AI,
  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption,
  • Anti-Money Laundering,
  • Corporate Governance,
  • Cybersecurity,
  • Data Protection,
  • Employment,
  • ESG
  • Financial Services,
  • Intellectual Property, and
  • Public tenders.

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Timely, customised updates

Timely, relevant information to help you confidently satisfy legal and regulatory requirements and avoid costly oversights

Manage and mitigate risk

Monitor, analyse and report on risks and opportunities arising from the changing global legal and regulatory landscape by jurisdiction and theme

Centralised repository

Information is consolidated into a single, coherent, and actionable knowledge base


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NRF Transform abstract

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