Energy storage
Energy storage is of particular interest to large energy-intensive businesses, especially those who need to ensure electricity reliability and availability. For corporations operating in markets with unreliable grid infrastructure or in remote environments, it can also help eliminate the need to rely on backup generators which often run on diesel.
Our global team stay abreast of market trends and new developments, alongside the regulatory considerations and trends we believe energy companies, developers, investors and financiers should take into account when assessing energy storage projects.
We have worked with clients in connection with the financing, regulatory approval and development of solutions in the US, UK, continental Europe, Australia, Africa, Middle East and Asia and on new energy projects such as UKPN's Smarter Network Storage.
Our team not only track developments but actively engage with regulators on consultations and other policy design processes (both on our behalf and as industry leaders for our clients). We do this to ensure our transactions are focused not only on current opportunities, but also take into account what may come in the future.
Energy Transition Services
We are committed to helping our clients evolve and thrive as the world changes and would be delighted to discuss how we can help you.
Energy transition
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