Sustainability Asia: The role of emission reductions payment agreements (ERPAs or VERPAs) in sustainable investing

Asia video series – episode 22

Global Video setembro 2021 08:12

Video Details

We have launched a new video series – Sustainability Asia. Each week, David Milligan and Nick Merritt, partners in our Hong Kong and Singapore offices, speak to colleagues and clients from across the region about why sustainability matters, how it will shape our markets and what it means for business in Asia.

In this video, William Holmden, project finance associate based in Singapore, and Andrew Hedges, climate change and clean energy partner based in London, brought us an insightful discussion about the role of emission reductions payment agreements (ERPAs/VERPAs) in supporting sustainable investments, the methodology and frameworks behind such investments, and some of the related challenges and complexities we are seeing in Asia.

