A round-up of some key legal developments in England and Wales for the real estate sector.

In this edition we take a look at a looming clamp-down on leasehold houses and ground rents; a standardised wayleave agreement; planning pre-commencement conditions; and dos and don’ts when recovering unpaid rent.


Ban on leasehold houses and escalating ground rents: one step closer

The government announced in December 2017 that it wants to tackle what it considers to be unfair practices in the residential leasehold market.

October 2018

Landlords: take care when exercising CRAR

Since the abolition of distress in 2014, landlords who want to recover rent arrears by taking control of the tenant’s goods and selling them must do so through a...

October 2018

Planning: a new start for pre-commencement conditions

The euphoria of securing a planning permission can be dampened by the realisation that work cannot begin until a raft of pre-commencement planning conditions have...

October 2018

Digital Infrastructure Toolkit

The City of London Corporation has published a standardised wayleave agreement as part of a digital infrastructure toolkit.

October 2018



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