A round-up of some key legal developments in England and Wales for the real estate sector.

In this edition we take a look at a business lease in the Supreme Court, restrictive covenants and development, procurement rules and changes to the Electronic Communications Code.


Opposing business lease renewal on ground (f): Supreme Court surprise

Tenants occupying premises for the purpose of their business are entitled to seek a new lease on the termination of their current lease under the Landlord and...

December 2018

Developers: ignore restrictive covenants at your peril

It is not unusual for an investigation of title to land intended for development to disclose restrictive covenants of one type or another.

December 2018

Electronic Communications Code in the spotlight (again)

The Electronic Communications Code 2017 has not yet had its first birthday but the government is already intent on changing it.

December 2018

Public procurement and development agreements

In broad terms the object of EU procurement rules is to ensure that public bodies award certain contracts above a minimum value only after fair competition.

December 2018



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