A round-up of some key legal developments in England and Wales for the real estate sector.

In this edition we take a look at the possibility of a compulsory three-year term for residential tenancies, liability for knotweed, MEES and whether we can rely on non-reliance clauses.


Private tenancy model goes out for consultation

The government is on a mission to deliver a “fairer, good quality and more affordable private rented sector”.

July 2018

Japanese knotweed – now recognised as a 'private nuisance'

Japanese knotweed has long been recognised as a fast-growing and intrusive weed that is difficult to eradicate.

July 2018

Check the exemptions for minimum energy efficiency standards

We have previously reported on new minimum energy efficiency standards (MEES) when letting domestic and commercial premises in England and Wales.

July 2018

Make all reasonable enquiries!

It is all too easy, when replying to standard enquiries before contract raised by a prospective buyer or tenant, to use words along the lines of “not as far as we...

July 2018



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