Lucinda McCann

Lucinda McCann
Lucinda is a corporate and financial services lawyer based in Sydney with deep financial services sector experience, having worked with and in the industry for over 25 years.
Lucinda has considerable experience both in private practice and in-house, having been General Counsel of Australia’s prudential supervisor of the banking, insurance and superannuation sectors as well as General Counsel of a major financial services business offering products and services across superannuation, life insurance, banking, financial advice and platforms.
Lucinda has advised on the sale of one of Australia’s largest life insurance companies and the business separation and transition arrangements following the sale, capital raising for listed and unlisted issuers, domestic and off-shore investments for superannuation trustees, regulatory approvals, investigations and enforcement action in the superannuation, insurance and banking sectors, board and governance arrangements, business strategy, business establishment and product development including licensing, product distribution and disclosure. During her time in-house Lucinda was a member of executive leadership teams and various policy and governance committees and was also responsible for probity and integrity functions, including whistleblowing, FOI requests and public interest disclosures.
Lucinda has acted for domestic and international clients such as wealth management business, superannuation trustees, fund managers, regulators, derivatives issuers, brokers, banks and investment banks. Lucinda has extensive experience advising Boards and senior executives in relation to governance, financial services and financial markets licensing, disclosure and other regulatory and conduct and prudential matters arising under the Corporations Act, the SIS Act, the Banking Act, the ASX Listing Rules, the ASX Market Integrity Rules and the ASX Operating Rules.
Lucinda has executive Board experience, having been director of various financial advice businesses holding financial services licences.
Professional experience
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Law, Australian National University (1998)
- Graduate Diploma, Legal Workshop, Australian National University (1998)
- Masters of Law, University of Sydney (2005)
- GAICD (2019)
- Supreme Court of New South Wales 1998
- Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory 1999
- High Court of Australia 2008
Memberships and activities
Memberships and activities
- Law Council of Australia (Business Law Section)
- English