Let's talk antitrust: Discussing recent cases and emerging competition issues
Recent cases and judgments have shone a light on some emerging themes and trends that companies will want to consider as part of their risk management framework.
Canada | Publication | juni 2023
Although many consider it an honour to be asked to act as an executor, the responsibilities involved can be complex and time consuming. Understanding them will assist you in choosing the person best suited to be your own executor, and ensure any decision you may make to act as an executor is an informed one.
The duties of an executor include the identification and collection of the assets of the estate, the safeguarding and investment of those assets pending distribution to beneficiaries, the payment of debts and liabilities owed by the estate, the filing of appropriate tax returns for the deceased and the estate, and ultimately the distribution of assets to beneficiaries in accordance with the provisions of the Will. What follows is a closer look at some of these and other responsibilities.
An executor must use reasonable efforts to locate the last Will of the deceased. Even where a Will has been identified, this means searching through all of the places where the deceased kept his or her papers and records (and under the laws of some provinces, on electronic devices) to ensure it is the most recent Will made.
If only a copy of the Will is found, the executor should check with the lawyer or law firm who prepared the Will, if identifiable, to determine the whereabouts of the original Will. If a trust company is named as an executor, it should be contacted to determine whether it holds an original Will in safekeeping or has information concerning its whereabouts.
In British Columbia, a search of the Division of Vital Statistics Wills Registry must also be conducted. The Will Search Certificate issued in response will indicate whether a Will Notice was ever filed by the deceased. If so, the Notice will confirm the date and location of the original Will.
Although funeral and burial arrangements are usually made by family members, it is the executor who has the legal authority to make those decisions. Interestingly, directions contained in a Will as to the wishes of the deceased are not legally binding on an executor, although they are generally followed. When making funeral and burial arrangements, unless the Will directs otherwise, an executor must ensure the costs are reasonable in light of all of the relevant circumstances.
The laws of many jurisdictions require an executor to mail a notice of his or her intention to probate the Will, together with a copy of the Will, to all of the beneficiaries referred to in the Will. In some jurisdictions, such as British Columbia, these materials must also be sent to the persons who would have been entitled to share in the estate of the deceased if he or she had died without a Will (i.e. the next of kin of the deceased), even if they aren’t named as beneficiaries.
If any individual is a minor or is mentally incapable, additional notice requirements will apply.
The executor will also need to:
Once assets have been identified, the executor must secure them pending their disposition or distribution to beneficiaries. The executor should also:
The executor will also need to ascertain the debts and liabilities of the deceased by reviewing his or her papers and records, including electronic records, and by making appropriate inquiries of third parties. These debts and liabilities may include:
An executor should seek legal advice concerning the possibility of advertising for creditors, which may provide protection in some circumstances from the claims of creditors who come forward after estate assets have been distributed.
Another duty of an executor is to prepare and file appropriate tax returns for the deceased and the estate. Depending on the circumstances, post mortem tax planning may also be advisable. After the returns have been assessed by the relevant taxing authority, it may be advisable to apply for tax clearance certificate(s) pursuant to the provisions of the Income Tax Act. If an executor distributes the assets of an estate without obtaining a clearance certificate, he or she may be personally liable for any unpaid taxes, interest and penalties owed by the estate. A tax lawyer or accountant who is experienced in estate administration and related tax matters should be consulted to discuss these issues.
If the deceased resided or owned assets outside of Canada, it may be necessary to prepare and file tax returns in a foreign jurisdiction. Where appropriate, professional advice should be sought in that regard.
After the general administration of the estate has been completed, absent litigation or some other complicating factor, the executor will be in a position to pay any cash legacies contemplated in the Will and deal with the transfer of any personal effects and other tangible property left to specific individuals. A signed Release, and in some cases a Release and Indemnity, should generally be obtained from a beneficiary before any such payment or transfer is completed.
The residue of an estate is what is left after debts and liabilities properly chargeable to the estate have been paid, cash legacies and specific bequests have been satisfied, and any testamentary trusts have been funded. A properly drafted Will should specify who is to share in the residue of the estate and, if more than one person, in what proportions. It should also address how the share of a beneficiary who predeceases the testator is to be dealt with.
Under British Columbia law, a surviving spouse or child of a deceased (including an adult child) has 180 days from the date the Grant of Probate or Administration is issued in respect of the deceased’s Will to apply to the Court for a determination as to whether the deceased made adequate provision in the Will for him or her. Upon the hearing of such an application, the Court can vary the terms of the Will as it considers appropriate. Accordingly, where there is a surviving spouse or child in circumstances where British Columbia law applies, legal advice should be sought.
An executor must account to the residuary beneficiaries named in the Will (and sometimes to others) for all the assets of the estate, including all receipts and disbursements occurring over the course of administration. Beneficiaries are also entitled to review invoices, cheques and other voucher material in support of the accounting. If a beneficiary is not satisfied with the accounting, he or she may require that the executor have his or her accounts reviewed by the Court. This is often referred to as a “passing of accounts”.
Accordingly, it is imperative that an executor keep an accurate and complete accounting of his or her dealings with the estate assets, along with supporting voucher material. An executor who cannot account for all assets, receipts and disbursements, may be personally liable for any losses or assets not properly accounted for in respect of the estate.
Unless the Will directs otherwise or the deceased and the executor have entered into a fee agreement, an executor will be entitled to claim a fee for the time and effort spent administering the estate based upon a statutory formula. For example, in British Columbia the maximum fee permitted is 5% of the gross aggregate value, capital and income, of the estate. In that province, an executor may also claim an annual care and management fee for the investment of estate assets up to a maximum of 0.4 per cent of the annual average market value of those assets. If there is more than one executor, the executors must share these fees.
When determining the actual amounts that should be paid, a Court will typically take into account the following factors:
The lawyers in our private wealth, trusts and estates group regularly advise executors and administrators on all legal matters pertaining to the administration of estates and the duties imposed upon them, including:
If you would like to discuss the duties of an executor or any other aspect of estate administration, the lawyers in our private wealth, trusts and estates group would be pleased to help.
Recent cases and judgments have shone a light on some emerging themes and trends that companies will want to consider as part of their risk management framework.
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