Businesses operating in the food and agribusiness sector can now gain more immediate access to analysis on the latest changes and developments from our experienced legal team focusing on the whole of the food and agribusiness value chain. We are privileged to advise clients worldwide on all aspects of their operations, including domestic and foreign investments and acquisitions, public offerings, joint ventures, scientific cooperation agreements, international trade, anti-trust and competition, real property matters, agri-technology licensing and patents, agri-infrastructure, sustainable agriculture (ESG) and all aspects of food safety law and regulatory compliance.

As part of our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, while ensuring that our clients are kept abreast with all the latest issues facing the food and agribusiness sector, we have transitioned our quarterly food and agribusiness newsletter, Cultivate, solely online. Our new Cultivate insights page will now be kept updated on a regular basis, enabling us to cover the major issues facing the sector as they arise.

If you would like to receive our monthly update on what is new on the site, please sign up here.

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Senior Advisor
Head of Amsterdam
Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright US Consultores em Direito Estrangeiro
Director: Global Head of Consumer Markets

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