The PPF’s policy statement for the 2023/24 scheme levy year sets out the following key dates for schemes needing to certify certain documents:
Item Key dates and time
Scheme returns and electronic contingent asset certificates to the Pensions Regulator March 31, 2023 - midnight
ABC certificates and special category applications to the PPF March 31, 2023 - midnight
Start of the 2023/24 levy year April 1, 2023
Send contingent asset documents to PPF
April 3, 2023 – 5.00pm
Deficit-reduction certificates to the Pensions Regulator
April 28, 2023 – 5.00pm
Send exempt transfer applications to PPF
April 28, 2023 – 5.00pm
Certify full block transfers with the Pensions Regulator
June 30, 2023 – 5.00pm
Publication of Mean Scores
July 2023
Invoicing starts
 Autumn 2023

As usual, clients are advised to start the process of certifying and re-certifying contingent assets as soon as possible.





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