Be it oil rigs, mines, power plants or wind turbines, the process of transformation that a productive asset undergoes upon the end of its life cycle has never been under more scrutiny.

Despite being referred to as “abandonment” in legislation, and more commonly “decommissioning” in conversations, savvy oil and gas companies are these days focusing on how to re-use, repurpose or recycle late-life assets, for example by using depleted fields for carbon storage or unused pipelines for hydrogen supply.

We are perfectly placed to advise on the myriad issues connected to decommissioning and repurposing. We have years of experience in the upstream industry and in advising on transfer of late-life assets and allocation of liability. We combine this with our understanding of the advances in technology and the multiple strategies and opportunities available.

Our in-depth knowledge of the regulatory regimes and incentives in different jurisdictions, and our ability to work collaboratively with other trusted advisors to truly understand the economic and political drivers behind each decision ensures our global team of specialists, from a variety of practice areas and sectors, can support you at every stage of your project.

Project profile

Petrochemical complex

environmental technology concept sustainable development
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Head of Environment, health and safety, Europe, Middle East and Asia; Partner
Head of Energy, South Africa
Senior Partner
Co-Head of Energy, Infrastructure and Resources, United States

Environmental, social and governance (ESG)


Real estate

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