Game over? Never. A nursing home FCA case gets a fifth look and OTCs shoot for a new target audience
Five pharma litigation hot topics in three minutes
United States | Video | maggio 2021 | 03:35
Video Details
[1] 00:00:00.333 [10] --> 00:00:03.767 [113]
I’m Kevin Yankowsky, and this is Norton
Rose Fulbright’s The Pharma 5.
[2] 00:00:12.500 [375] --> 00:00:13.867 [416]
Number five on our list this month,
[3] 00:00:14.200 [426] --> 00:00:17.133 [514]
Fifth time is the charm. A
A nursing home kickback case.
[4] 00:00:17.133 [514] --> 00:00:19.567 [587]
A whistleblower is getting
a fifth bite at the apple.
[5] 00:00:21.467 [644] --> 00:00:23.200 [696]
The nursing home will now allege that
[6] 00:00:23.200 [696] --> 00:00:27.600 [828]
the pharmacy service provider PharMerica
offered below market drug prices to nursing
[7] 00:00:27.600 [828] --> 00:00:31.100 [933]
homes’ Medicare Part A patients, in exchange
for the opportunity to provide
[8] 00:00:31.100 [933] --> 00:00:34.100 [1023]
the same drugs, at market rate,
to their Part D patients.
[9] 00:00:34.667 [1040] --> 00:00:37.933 [1138]
A New Jersey Federal Court has decided
to allow the amendment on
[10] 00:00:37.933 [1138] --> 00:00:42.867 [1286]
the theory that submitting “prescription drug
event” data electronically to CMS in
[11] 00:00:42.867 [1286] --> 00:00:46.367 [1391]
and of itself amounts to a “claim” under
the False Claims Act, simply
[12] 00:00:46.367 [1391] --> 00:00:48.100 [1443]
because CMS relies on the data.
[13] 00:00:50.200 [1506] --> 00:00:52.400 [1572]
Number four on the list is something
new to worry about.
[14] 00:00:52.967 [1589] --> 00:00:57.333 [1720]
The FDA has now jumped into a new enforcement
area—manufacturer obligations to
[15] 00:00:57.333 [1720] --> 00:01:01.400 [1842]
report clinical trial status to
the website.
[16] 00:01:01.967 [1859] --> 00:01:04.667 [1940]
The agency just issued its
first ever trial report,
[17] 00:01:04.667 [1940] --> 00:01:09.200 [2076]
Notice of Noncompliance to Acceleron
Pharma for its failure to report on an
[18] 00:01:09.200 [2076] --> 00:01:11.533 [2146]
efficacy trial for a new kidney cancer drug.
[19] 00:01:13.867 [2216] --> 00:01:16.467 [2294]
Number three on our list is a little
bit of bad news on preemption;
[20] 00:01:16.567 [2297] --> 00:01:18.300 [2349]
this time out of the Northern
District of Georgia.
[21] 00:01:19.433 [2383] --> 00:01:22.533 [2476]
Georgia Attorney General’s office brought
an action against a stem cell clinic,
[22] 00:01:22.533 [2476] --> 00:01:24.933 [2548]
asserting that the clinic falsely
represented the safety and
[23] 00:01:24.933 [2548] --> 00:01:27.667 [2630]
the efficacy of its non-FDA
approved products.
[24] 00:01:27.833 [2635] --> 00:01:31.300 [2739]
The clinic remove the matter to Federal
Court on the grounds of FDCA preemption.
[25] 00:01:31.667 [2750] --> 00:01:33.900 [2817]
However, a Georgia Federal Court remanded,
[26] 00:01:34.067 [2822] --> 00:01:37.033 [2911]
citing <i>Wyeth’s</i> admonition that
“Congress created room
[27] 00:01:37.033 [2911] --> 00:01:40.500 [3015]
for state law remedies to further consumer
protection under the FDCA.”
[28] 00:01:41.967 [3059] --> 00:01:45.167 [3155]
Our number two item takes us into the
ever-exciting world of Indian law.
[29] 00:01:45.200 [3156] --> 00:01:47.167 [3215]
And yes, that is still the proper term
[30] 00:01:47.167 [3215] --> 00:01:49.533 [3286]
for jurisprudence dealing with
Native American tribes.
[31] 00:01:50.200 [3306] --> 00:01:53.133 [3394]
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals drew
boundary lines in a dispute over
[32] 00:01:53.133 [3394] --> 00:01:57.033 [3511]
whether the Indian Self-Determination and
Education Assistance Act requires
[33] 00:01:57.033 [3511] --> 00:01:59.933 [3598]
the federal Indian Health Service
to pay the administrative
[34] 00:01:59.933 [3598] --> 00:02:02.733 [3682]
and overhead costs of healthcare
programs operated by
[35] 00:02:02.733 [3682] --> 00:02:04.300 [3729]
a Native American tribe.
[36] 00:02:04.400 [3732] --> 00:02:06.067 [3782]
The court held it does not so require.
[37] 00:02:06.600 [3798] --> 00:02:10.333 [3910]
The D.C. Circuit affirmed the dismissal
of the Swinomish Indian Tribe’s action,
[38] 00:02:10.600 [3918] --> 00:02:13.400 [4002]
noting that the tribe had actually
paid the claimed administrative
[39] 00:02:13.400 [4002] --> 00:02:16.767 [4103]
and overhead costs with funds it received
from alternative sources.
[40] 00:02:16.867 [4106] --> 00:02:19.667 [4190]
In this particular case, federal
Medicaid and Medicare funds.
[41] 00:02:20.333 [4210] --> 00:02:24.067 [4322]
The court reasoned that the Act does not
require IHS to reimburse these additional
[42] 00:02:24.067 [4322] --> 00:02:28.067 [4442]
costs “when a tribe spends money it actually
received from other sources...
[43] 00:02:28.200 [4446] --> 00:02:29.567 [4487]
like insurance providers.”
[44] 00:02:31.767 [4553] --> 00:02:33.600 [4608]
Our number one item is a bit of fun news.
[45] 00:02:33.600 [4608] --> 00:02:35.433 [4663]
In a first, as far as we know,
[46] 00:02:35.767 [4673] --> 00:02:38.867 [4766]
a medicine manufacturer has made
a move to reach out directly to
[47] 00:02:38.867 [4766] --> 00:02:42.667 [4880]
the video gaming community, a population
that has certainly grown recently
[48] 00:02:42.667 [4880] --> 00:02:44.267 [4928]
and definitely during the pandemic,
[49] 00:02:44.733 [4942] --> 00:02:47.200 [5016]
with surveys reflecting that even old fogies
[50] 00:02:47.200 [5016] --> 00:02:50.800 [5124]
and medical manufacturers are getting in
on the Fortnight and Call of Duty fun.
[51] 00:02:53.033 [5191] --> 00:02:57.033 [5311]
GSK’s Excedrin brand is now touting not
only its pills as pain relief,
[52] 00:02:57.500 [5325] --> 00:03:02.967 [5489]
but it also creates a full mindfulness
routine for gamers with tips like eye breaks,
[53] 00:03:03.267 [5498] --> 00:03:07.367 [5621]
deep breathing exercises and ways to
maintain a positive attitude in
[54] 00:03:07.367 [5621] --> 00:03:11.833 [5755]
the face of Bad Omens. Excedrin is spreading
the word with well-known professional gamers
[55] 00:03:11.833 [5755] --> 00:03:16.733 [5902]
on social media sites like the more than
aptly named Twitch. Expect to see more such
[56] 00:03:16.733 [5902] --> 00:03:18.900 [5967]
community outreach from other medical
providers in the future.
[57] 00:03:21.633 [6049] --> 00:03:25.000 [6150]
Well, that's all the news they've told me
is fit to read. Thanks for watching.
[58] 00:03:25.167 [6155] --> 00:03:28.800 [6264]
We’ll see you next time on the next edition
of Norton Rose Fulbright’s The Pharma 5.
This week, Kevin Yankowsky, a partner based in Houston whose practice encompasses complex litigation for healthcare clients and crisis response, discusses:
- False Claims Act
- FDA notice of noncompliance
- Failed preemption of false ad suit
- Healthcare cost dispute
- Did you know?