NRF Transform abstract

NDA Solution

A technology-led solution to review, negotiate and finalise NDAs, combining our legal expertise with the efficiency and effectiveness of our multi-disciplinary teams in NRF Transform.

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Key features

Rapid turnaround with a flexible approach

  • Round the clock coverage, with the possibility of 24-hour turnarounds.
  • Strict adherence to playbooks to ensure consistent outcomes but delivered by skilled paralegals with ‘in the room’ lawyer supervision to avoid unnecessary inflexibility where the context requires it.
  • When more complex or unanticipated points arise, these are supported by more senior lawyers within the firm, at no incremental cost.
  • Issues are escalated to you where you require it. 

Integrated playbooks


  • NRF playbooks and templates, developed with our practice groups, provide a starting point, and are then refined to reflect your specific criteria.
  • Continuous updates to reflect changes in law and market norms mean you benefit from the firm’s broader know-how and don’t need to dedicate senior lawyer time to keeping positions current.
  • Rigorous use of playbooks also enables efficient and flexible resourcing.

Innovative, streamlined data collection

  • Technology forms part of our methodology to create efficiencies and drive quality. We are always on the lookout for the latest technology on the market, rigorously testing before onboarding new tools. Where successful, you will benefit from efficiencies and cost savings.
  • Live reporting means you can access the current status of any review at any time and view detailed activity reports across the portfolio.


Key benefits


An emphasis on delivering optimal value

Icon speed


Rapid, usually <24 hr turnarounds


Real time reporting on status

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Data orientated

Contract data is foundational and available

Icon cost

Predictable pricing

Fixed, per contract pricing

Icon experienced

Highest quality

Rigorous process underpinned by expertise


How we are helping our clients

NRF Transform abstract

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