Motion - Discussing what matters - Green hydrogen: Episode 6

Canada Video avril 2019 4:09

Video Details

Welcome to Motion - Discussing what matters, a video series covering hot topics across the country where our experienced lawyers provide timely legal analysis on issues relevant to Canadians.

This episode focuses on green hydrogen, a clean energy carrier whose commercial potential many say is vast, but which remains largely untapped.

Hydrogen could play an important role in the decarbonization of the global economy and the fight against climate change. Australia, France, Germany, the United States, China and South Korea are just a few of the countries that plan to invest significant sums in hydrogen projects over the next few years, in a market worth billions.

Earlier this month, the Canadian federal government’s carbon-pricing policy took effect in Ontario, Manitoba, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan. The move follows a commitment by Ottawa to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions and meet its 2015 Paris Agreement targets.

In this video, Matt Keen, one of our Vancouver-based energy regulatory partners, explains why stored hydrogen is still not a widely adopted solution, what needs to happen to spur investment in hydrogen projects and why investors should take interest in green hydrogen storage.


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