Event Details

On-demand webinar

Australie Accreditation 1 hour = 1 CPD unit | August 02, 2022

Any investigation – and particularly a cross-border investigation – throws up a huge number of data issues. Authorities are increasingly seeking data held overseas or on personal devices, and individuals are increasingly aware of, and enforcing, their data privacy rights. It is crucial to understand how to best manage the risks involved whilst moving an investigation forward.

Please join us for the first in our investigations webinar series where our team will discuss how to manage data in investigations, including:

  • Preservation, collection and review of data (particularly in a hybrid working context)
  • Managing data privacy risks when conducting investigations
  • Dealing with authorities that place strict restrictions on the export of data
  • Practical examples of navigating these issues, and tips on how to anticipate and approach challenges

Future sessions in this series will cover:

  • Conducting investigative interviews – tips and pitfalls
  • Reporting and remediation – the end of the beginning


CPD information

This session is valid for 1 CPD unit. Please ensure this meets the requirements within your jurisdiction. To find out more, visit our CLE Library.

To view your Continuing Legal Education attendance record for the current year, click here.

This webinar was recorded on 2 August 2022.

Recommended CPD category:

  • Substantive law (NSW/Vic/WA/Qld) | Core Area 4 - Substantive law and procedural law (ACT)] 


You must check the professional requirements applicable in your own jurisdiction to ensure that the webinar content and activity format is eligible for CPD units in a given CPD year.  Please refer to guidance here. The contents of this webinar may not be current as at the date of accessing this webinar. Our webinars are intended to provide general information and do not constitute legal advice. 

Viewing this webinar
After viewing the entire webinar, this webinar will be added to your personalised record and you will receive a completion email. To view your CPD attendance record for the current year, click here.



