Florian Fehres

Special Counsel Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
The Netherlands
+31 (20) 4629406
The Netherlands
+31 (20) 4629406
Florian Fehres

Florian Fehres


Florian Fehres is a corporate M&A lawyer based in Amsterdam. He specializes in sectors characterized by heavy regulation, government interference, technological development and innovation. Florian focuses on domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, (leveraged) buy outs and joint ventures.

Florian's clients prize him for adding value during the entire M&A cycle. Considering his broad international experience, diplomatic skills and personal approach, his clients appreciate him for being their stronghold during challenging and decisive negotiations.


Expérience professionnelle

Principaux mandats

Principaux mandats

  • Senior legal counsel for the United Nations and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for almost a decade. During his tenure as a diplomat he focused on treaty and contract negotiations, project management and financing.

Reconnaissances professionnelles

Reconnaissances professionnelles

  • Awarded personal recognition for his contribution to the OPCW winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013
  • Nominated as “Outstanding Young Lawyer of the Year” for the International Bar Association



  • Civil Law and Corporate Law from Leiden University
  • Bachelor in Business Management 
  • Harvard's CS50: Introduction to Computer Science 



  • Advocaat, qualified in the Netherlands
  • Rechtsgebiedenregister van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten: Algemene praktijk
  • Listed in the register of legal practice areas of the Dutch Bar Association: Algemene praktijk
  • Op grond van deze registratie zijn zij verplicht elk kalenderjaar volgens de normen van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten tien opleidingspunten te behalen op ieder geregistreerd hoofdrechtsgebied
  • Based on this registration, they are required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar



  • Florian is a published author



  • Dutch
  • English

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