Event Details

Webinaire sur demande

Australie | 24 mars 2022

Ben McMillan of More Chambers is currently acting for the State of Qld and CHO in a number of challenges to Public health orders. Those proceedings raise a wide range of issues including the character of decisions to make public health directions; conflict with Commonwealth laws including the Fair Work Act; human rights considerations and traditional administrative review grounds such as unreasonableness. 
Topics covered in this session include:
  • The subject areas of government decision-making related to COIVD-19 (public health, employment, education)
  • COVID-19 judgments of note (Djokovic and others)
  • Administrative law issues to consider (Character of decisions; reasons; proportionality; human rights considerations)
  • Procedural matters (interlocutory relief, expert evidence)

This webinar was recorded on 24 March 2022.