Entities with high energy consumption profiles and who have the available land and infrastructure can consider developing “inside-the-fence” renewable energy generation solutions. This has the advantage of reducing emissions through utilizing renewable power, as well as securing a dedicated and direct power supply. This strategy also ensures control of energy costs (and often costs savings), protection against power shortages as well as a potential revenue stream if surplus power is sold back to the grid.

Solar, wind, biomass and geothermal have all been deployed for this purpose, while some corporations are considering other emerging technologies. This is an area where companies are procuring, owning and operating such generation solutions themselves, as well as issuing tenders for third parties to deliver and manage these solutions on their sites.

Our global renewables practice offers the strongest network of skilled legal advisers anywhere in the world. We are recognized as a market leader in the renewable energy sector and have taken a leading role in the development of onsite renewable energy generation.

Project profile

Combined Heat and Power CHP facility

Raffinerie de pétrole au lever du soleil
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Head of Energy, Europe, Middle East and Asia; Partner
Global Co-Head of Energy; Partner
Associée principale
Head of Energy, South Africa
buildings and blue sky


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