International Women’s Day is a day to reflect on the progress we’ve made toward a more equitable future for women globally. It’s a day that reminds us of the work we still need to accomplish to champion and empower women in decision-making spaces and beyond, to recognize their impacts and achievements, and to campaign for women’s rights and a more gender-balanced future. 

This year, the United Nations theme for International Women’s Day is “Invest in women: Accelerate progress.” 

The women we are

We asked some of our colleagues who inspires, empowers and has invested in them throughout their life. Then we asked them to bring that person along and tell us why…

From the personal boardroom philosophy, to the importance of visible role models and the need for action to bring about real change, they explore these themes and ideas. Together.

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What investing in women can look like

Investing in women is not solely linked to compensation or to one singular action. It can be done in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Sponsoring women to support their career growth 
  • Ensuring women are represented in senior leadership positions
  • Amplifying women’s perspectives in decision-making processes
  • Creating inclusive policies that support all personnel with caregiving responsibilities
  • Continuing to ensure that everyone benefits from equitable work allocation and access to career advancing opportunities

This International Women’s Day and beyond, let’s all work towards equitable representation of women and ensure that women are provided with the support, opportunities, visibility and recognition they need to succeed and thrive.

Empowered voices

 We hear the phrase “empowered women, empower women”, but what does that look like? 
The importance of networking, mentoring and role models. Taking and making opportunities. The impact of constructive feedback and encouragement. Our people tell us about their experiences and views.

Gender equity at Norton Rose Fulbright

We have globally committed to increasing the representation of women in leadership and the partnership by setting targets and putting plans in place to achieve them. 

In addition to creating systemic changes that reduce unconscious bias in our decision making, we offer targeted leadership development programs for women – including coaching, mentoring and sponsorship. We facilitate and strengthen professional networking through our women’s networks and through our diversity, equity and inclusion committees and councils.


“Today, on International Women’s Day and beyond, I am invested in doing my part to support our goal to attain equal representation of women at all levels of our firm.” 

Walied Soliman, KC, Global Chair

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Diversity, equity and inclusion

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