California employers must again provide COVID-19 paid sick leave. The Department of Fair Employment and Housing clarifies an employer’s rights and obligations with respect to COVID-19 vaccinations. Additionally, the California Supreme Court issues a must-read opinion on meal breaks, rounding and a new rebuttable presumption regarding time cards. Read below for our brief summary of these and other developments for March 2021.

  1. California enacts state-wide extension and retroactive application of COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave with Senate Bill 95
  2. California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing issues updated guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations
  3. California Supreme Court issues important decision regarding meal period liability
  4. California Grocers Association appeals district court’s denial of preliminary injunction that would have enjoined Long Beach’s “hero pay” ordinance
  5. Employers receive more guidance regarding exclusion pay under Cal/OSHA’s emergency temporary COVID-19 standard

That's a wrap. See you next month for another top five developments for California employers.

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