Practical guidance on dealing with distress

Soaring energy prices, labour shortages and the cost of living crisis has led to a sharp rise in inflation across Europe and businesses are feeling the impact. When the pandemic hit almost three years ago, businesses in every sector and geography had to transition to new ways of operating, and they will have to do so again to function within uncertain markets and legal and regulatory landscapes.

This resource hub provides topical insights and practical guidance for businesses and their creditors and other stakeholders seeking a solution to financial distress.

Our lawyers have the industry expertise and global reach to advise stakeholders through sensitive and complex cross-border restructuring and insolvency situations.

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Zone of Insolvency: Our global blog for cross-border bankruptcy and financial restructuring developments


Australian Chair and Global Head of Restructuring
Co-Head of Restructuring, United States
Co-Head of Restructuring, United States
Co-Head of Restructuring, EMEA
Partner | Restructuring Team Leader
Global Restructuring Strategy Director

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