Lak PurewalTell us about your background?

The bright lights of the City of London were a far cry from the deprived area of inner-city Birmingham where I was born and raised. My parents were first generation immigrants from India and I witnessed the struggles and sacrifices they made working all hours in manual jobs. I attended the local comprehensive school but sadly it was underperforming and I too underperformed. However, I soon realised that, despite difficult circumstances, I needed to prove to my parents (and to myself) that their sacrifices were not in vain. So, I went to college, successfully re-took my qualifications and went to university. Quite a turnaround in the space of three years but it showed me what could be achieved through determination, hard work and a drive to succeed. Characteristics that have stayed with me for the rest of my life.

Tell us about your career at Norton Rose Fulbright

Having self-funded my Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development course to the tune of £7,000 (a massive amount back in the 1990s), I secured a HR role in a large NHS trust working with some brilliant mentors. I learnt a lot, and quickly, and from there I worked in the University sector and then in publishing before applying for a HR Manager role at Norton Rose (as it then was). I knew nothing about working in the City nor for a law firm but that did not deter me and thankfully the then HR Director had enough faith in me to offer me the job.

The first year was tough because I felt I did not belong in an environment of super intelligent people who looked to me for advice and support. Yet, everyone was kind and supportive and I quickly gained experience, knowledge and confidence. My hard work was rewarded with promotions to Senior HR Manager, Head of HR, UK, HR Director, EMEA and finally to Partner Development Director. Key individuals trusted me and I hope I never let them down.

What are your favourite memories from your time with the firm?

There are so many. I now realise that when you are working in a full-time, intense and, at times, tough role, you do not always appreciate that experience and the learning, development and satisfaction it brings.

The standout project for me was the firm’s response to the global financial crisis around 2008/09 when many firms were making people redundant and, by introducing the Flex scheme, we helped safeguard everyone’s jobs. It was a unique and novel offering and reflected Norton Rose Fulbright’s distinct values.

Was there anyone who particularly inspired you in your time at the firm?

Whilst I could not pick out any one person, every manager that I worked for taught me something. I also learnt continually from my team and, often, the best ideas originated from some of the more junior team members.

Tell us about Pure HR & Mediation Ltd and how that transpired.

The last three years have been tough personally. Both my parents passed away as well as my young nephew who tragically succumbed to cancer. I had not appreciated how much these blows affected me and, whilst work continued to be stimulating, I felt I needed some time out to grieve, rest, and recover before a restart. Both my family and my Norton Rose Fulbright friends have been wonderfully supportive and this period away from work has allowed me time for reflection to decide my next step.

Pure HR & Mediation is the consultancy which I have set up to support organisations to deal with tricky HR issues. I have also qualified as a Mediator and am able to provide early intervention when things are going wrong in workplace situations and relationships before matters escalate.

What qualities does a good mediator possess?

My experience at Norton Rose Fulbright has taught me that if an issue can be addressed early then it avoids a great deal of unnecessary pain, emotion, conflict and wasted time. This can only be good for a company’s culture, its people and its reputation. I have always been praised for bringing calmness, professionalism and sensitivity to a situation and am proud to have successfully resolved many issues in the workplace. My training and accreditation as a Mediator have given me even greater confidence that I can add significant value in dealing with difficult and sensitive workplace situations.

How do you see your business progressing and how can people find out more?

Setting up my business on 1 January 2023 was an incredibly proud moment and an opportunity to reflect on where it all started, what I have achieved and the key influences in my life – my background, my parents, my wife, children and family, my managers, peers, team members and everyone else who has supported and inspired me in some way. I cannot thank them enough. Norton Rose Fulbright is an amazing firm with talented, kind and inspirational people and that is what I miss the most.

I am immensely excited about this new chapter in my career journey and setting up Pure HR & Mediation Ltd has provided me with the stimulation and challenge that I need at this stage of my life. I would like to help companies and firms with their HR and mediation needs – that is what I am good at and passionate about.

It would be great to reconnect with ex colleagues so please contact me on:

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Mobile - 07743 719771