Rita Nader-Guéroult
Rita Nader-Guéroult is a dispute resolution and business ethics lawyer based in Paris. Rita has experience of domestic and international litigation matters. She started her career at Clifford Chance Europe in 2006, moved to BCTG & Associés in 2011 and joined us in June 2013.
Rita advises French and international corporations operating in a broad range of sectors. Her practice includes contractual and commercial disputes, multi-jurisdictional litigation, enforcement proceedings, corruption risk assessments and investigations.
In 2015, Rita was seconded to the in-house legal department of a major financial institution, and in 2018 she was seconded to the in-house legal department of an international pharmaceutical company.
Rita graduated from the Sorbonne University of Paris with two post-graduate degrees in Private International Law and in Business Law.
She has been a member of the Paris Bar since 2006.
She lectures on international jurisdiction rules and taking evidence abroad at the University Paris-Est Créteil in the Postgraduate Degree in International Litigation. She also provides training on internal investigations at the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale (IHEDN).
Rita speaks French, English and Arabic.
Professional experience
Representative experience
Representative experience
- Assisting clients in disputes before French courts on the enforcement of decisions issued by foreign courts
- Advising several foreign and local clients on the application of the French blocking statute
- Advising and acting for foreign and local companies following international letters of request to the French judge in order to obtain evidence to be used in foreign judicial proceedings
- Seconded to a financial institution following a deferred prosecution agreement with the US authorities
- Coordinating a document review for a global internal investigation following the conclusion of a U.S. deferred prosecution agreement and the appointment of a monitor
- Assisting an Asian bank with the implementation of measures for the recovery of the debt of a borrower in France
- Assisting a Greek bank with a multijurisdictional case in the taking of provisional measures in France to secure its debt
- Acting for a major French retail company in various litigation relating to the termination of contracts against suppliers
- Acting for an American luxury rental company in proceedings before French courts initiated by a French real estate company
- Representing a major Asian electronics company in various litigation before French courts for defective products
- Assisting a breast implant manufacturer with a number of cases, including product liability and litigation with business partners (distributors, agents)
- Representing a major US pharmaceutical company in disputes with several distributors in North Africa further to the termination of its respective agreements
- Assisting several airline companies for customers complaints on the basis of EU Regulation 261
- Assisting a British airline company in a dispute against its maintenance service provider
- Assisting an Australian shipbuilder in a dispute, including during the investigation conducted by a court appointed expert, against a French company on technical disorders
- Representing a Moroccan payment solution company in a dispute against a multinational group on maintenance, license and services agreements
- Assisting several companies in the health, sport and transport sectors in the preparation of anti-corruption risk mapping
- Assisting a major company in the healthcare sector with matters relating to the French Anti-Corruption Agency
- Licence de droit, Paris II Panthéon Assas
- Maîtrise de droit, Paris II Panthéon Assas
- DEA Droit international privé et du commerce international, Paris I Panthéon Assas
- DEA Droit des affaires, Paris I Panthéon Assas
- Avocat au barreau de Paris 2006
- Double jeopardy for market abuse in France, Banking and Finance disputes review, July 2016
- La directive "secret d'affaires", Une nouvelle protection offerte aux entreprises, Revue internationale de la compliance et de l'éthique des affaires - Supplément, JCP Entreprises et Affaires n°40, Octobre 2016
- Le nouveau Règlement européen Bruxelles I'est entré en vigueur, 10 January 2015
- La renaissance inattendue de la théorie du siège réel, Dalloz 2009, page 574
- Regain d'intérêt pour la loi dire de blocage dans les investigations et les contentieux internationaux
Memberships and activities
Memberships and activities
- Association Droit et Procédure
- French
- English
- Arabic