Motion - Discussing what matters - United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA): Episode 5

Canada Video noviembre 2018 3:39

Video Details

Welcome to Motion—Discussing what matters, a video series covering hot topics across the country where our experienced lawyers provide timely legal analysis on issues relevant to Canadians.

This episode focuses on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which was announced in September and will replace NAFTA on January 1, 2020, if it is ratified by all countries.

In this video, international trade partner Martin Masse examines the major implications for Canadian businesses, how clients should navigate the uncertainty over the steel and aluminum tariffs as well as how this deal affects Canada’s ability to negotiate other trade agreements.

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More on the new trade deal

Read how USMCA impacts various sectors and industries

Read more about USMCA on our blogs

Canadian Anti-counterfeiting under the USMCA – what you see? We (mostly) already got it - Brand Protection (blog)
October 2018

New protections for biologics and other pharmaceuticals under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - Pharma in Brief (blog)
October 2018

Media coverage on USMCA

Canada: USMCA strengthens IP protection - Managing Intellectual Property
Christopher A. Guerreiro writes that as a party of USMCA, Canada has agreed to adopt important new protections for biologic and other pharmaceutical innovation.
November 23, 2018

Beyond USMCA: The Enemy is Complacency - Policy Magazine
Derek Burney, senior strategic adviser at the firm, writes that Canada should begin strategizing beyond the stabilization of its North American trading relationships and look to the possibilities offered by the European trade deal, the new TPP, and the country`s potential trade growth with China and India.
November 5, 2018

Trade minister Carr betting on LNG to unlock trade in China and Asia - Financial Post
Derek Burney says that Canada’s biggest handicap with trade deals is complacency as it has become comfortable in the cocoon of dealing with the Americans for 75 per cent of its trade.
October 6, 2018

From NAFTA to USMCA: Inside the tense negotiations that saved North American trade- The Globe and Mail
Derek Burney comments that the negotiations were “a mutual stare-down.”
October 5, 2018

Tethering Canada, containing China: Will USMCA boost Trump''s efforts to isolate Beijing? - Financial Post
Derek Burney comments that on the “non-market economy” clause. 
October 5, 2018

China attacks provision of new USMCA deal said to be aimed at Beijing - Canadian Press
Derek Burney comments that Peter Navarro, a top trade adviser to the U.S. president, pushed China considerations into the text of USMCA.
October 5, 2018

Evaluating the USMCA trade deal from Quebec's perspective - CBC (Power and Politics)
Raymond Bachand, strategic advisor at the firm and Quebec’s chief NAFTA negotiator, comments on the new trade deal.
October 4, 2018

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