International arbitration report
In this edition, we focused on the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission’s (SHIAC) new arbitration rules, which take effect January 1, 2024.
EMEA | Publication | marzo 2025
Increased regulatory burdens on asset management businesses have resulted in additional cost pressures. However, regulation has also required more pricing transparency, which has led to an increasingly competitive market, with investors demanding either ultra-low cost or increasingly bespoke investment solutions.
Many asset managers have responded to these demands to achieve cost savings, and make their products and services more appealing by deploying new technology and by outsourcing middle and back office functions.
While technology and outsourcing can deliver huge benefits in terms of cost and efficiency savings, it can also go wrong and unexpected losses can arise.
A key factor in any decision by an asset manager to (i) source technology, or (ii) procure an outsourced solution is to determine what level of risk it is exposed to by the in-scope process(es) and how best to manage that risk in terms of the supplier contract or by other means.
Both strategies involve buying in the technology or the outsourced service from a third party supplier. An asset manager, as the customer, will wish to transfer the risk of failures in relation to the technology or outsourced services on to the supplier, while the supplier will seek to ensure that its liability for such failures is kept to a minimum.
An asset manager and a supplier of technology or outsourced services will each want to achieve a fair balance (from its own perspective) of risk transfer relative to:
While that balance is usually the subject of some negotiation, the liability profile for both types of procurement will generally follow certain norms. These reflect legal and regulatory considerations as well as wider market trends.
Here we examine key risk allocations and liability profiles in relation to asset management outsourcings and technology sourcing projects. We highlight why and how a typical liability profile for a sourced technology solution differs from an outsourced solution for asset managers. We also consider, within an outsourcing context, the impact of the regulatory framework on the liability profile of the supplier and asset manager.
Within the asset management industry there is a range of technology platforms available for use by an asset manager. These include:
In each case, an asset manager is seeking to reduce operational risk and lower its costs by buying the functionality of the technology platform in order to replace its current legacy system or to migrate from an inferior third party system to a new platform. It will generally retain its staff engaged in providing asset management services to its customers, with the exception of any headcount efficiencies that it can make from the new technology.
End-to-end service responsibility?
The result of deploying such technology is that the end-to-end service provided by an asset manager to its customers is made up of, internally, a combination of third party systems supporting the service, the asset manager’s own technology, and the services of its own staff.
Given such an operational profile, suppliers typically resist accepting responsibility for failures in the end-to-end service that result from components over which they may have no control (such as errors made by the asset manager’s staff or by its own technology).
Responsibility (and liability) in technology contracts therefore tends to be allocated between the asset manager and the supplier based on failures in the technology itself (as opposed to failures in the end-to-end service). Such technology contracts are characterised, in terms of a liability profile, as inputs-based contracts. Supplier performance under them is generally measured by reference to supplier inputs, rather than by reference to the outputs made up of the end-to-end service (of which the supplier inputs form only part).
Software failures
Asset managers sourcing technology are naturally keen to ensure that the technology does what it is supposed to do as a measurable input. Ideally, they would have their suppliers guarantee the functionality of the system for the term of the contract. Conversely, suppliers are conscious that technology is rarely fault free and that errors often arise when a system is used in a live operating environment, or in combination with other systems that may not have been designed to be compatible with the supplier’s system.
While the early life of a technology deployment may reveal a number of operating faults in a live operating environment, it is not necessarily the case that the effluxion of time will result in fewer faults in the technology. This is because software within the technology may well be required to process more and more new scenarios against which it has never been tested.
For this reason, risk-averse suppliers (particularly those operating in US markets) typically attempt to transfer the risk of the software containing faults (whether known or unknown) to the asset manager by requiring the asset manager to accept in the contract that the software:
Subject to the remuneration they receive reflecting the additional risk, some suppliers are prepared to accept responsibility for a supplied system performing in accordance with its functional or technical specification. In contracts for traditional on-premise software, often this is only for a short warranty period of between thirty to ninety days. After that time, a supplier will usually only assume responsibility contractually to correct errors as part of a paid service to support or maintain the system on an ongoing basis.
For software that is cloud-based or provided “as-a-service”, the supplier is more likely to accept ongoing responsibility for performance linked to a functional specification, but this is subject to the supplier retaining the right to change the software and its accompanying specification on an ongoing basis.
Third party elements
Suppliers are also increasingly building technology systems on top of core technology made available by other providers that can be adapted for specific sectors or customer types.
At best, such a supplier will pass on the functionality and other commitments obtained from the underlying technology providers (which are often not particularly robust).
Where the asset manager is required to obtain their own direct licence from the provider to use the underlying technology, the supplier will likely exclude all responsibility for the underlying technology. In either scenario, the supplier may insist on excluding its liability for availability or performance issues caused by changes in the underlying technology over which it has no control.
Liability for heads of loss
All suppliers will usually exclude responsibility for various heads of loss, such as consequential loss and loss of profit, anticipated savings, contract, business or opportunity. Asset managers procuring cloud-based solutions should be cautious of accepting two common exclusions:
Acceptance testing
Suppliers argue that the risk of a technology solution not working should predominately be borne by an asset manager customer because the asset manager (rather than the supplier) is best placed to:
However, such a risk allocation ignores the reality that asset managers often look to their suppliers to deliver the required business functionality though the supplied technology (and an asset manager may not have the internal resources or technical expertise to specify its own technical requirements against which a system must deliver).
Similarly, an asset manager may have insufficient time or internal resources to undertake comprehensive user acceptance testing. Conversely, the supplier will argue that, while the customer has the opportunity to carry out some acceptance tests, the supplier’s ability to test is also limited as it is not in a position to test in a live environment (only a test environment).
When acceptance testing might not reveal the risk of an error occurring
It may be difficult to ensure that the technology properly calculates the net asset value (NAV) of funds. Investors make investment decisions based on the fund’s NAV, and if the NAV is incorrect the redemption and subscription prices will be inaccurate.
For example, if there is a material pricing error, and the reported NAV is higher than it should be, then the fund will suffer a loss in relation to higher redemption payments made to a fund investor in circumstances where the difference cannot be recovered from the investor.
Equally, there could be loss of interest payable or foregone by a fund as a result of the technology incorrectly recording the cash position of a fund and the fund trading against that position. There may also be dealing or other transaction costs payable by the fund as a result of having to reverse a trade made on the basis of the technology incorrectly recording the cash position of a fund. |
Unlike a technology solution, an outsourced solution typically involves a complete transfer of a function of the asset manager’s business to the supplier, such as its middle or back office functions. The supplier will be providing the technology (as an input) that underpins the end-to-end service (as an output), as well as its own staff. In some instances, the supplier is required to perform the outsourced function using the technology selected and/or procured by the asset manager.
Asset management outsourcings (or what is commonly referred to as middle and back office outsourcing) can encompass a number of services, including:
As a technical legal matter, the outsourcing concept really captures functions which lie, prima facie, with the asset manager and are then delegated to others. The depositary function, for example, by its nature does not really sit in this category – it is a third party oversight function and is not therefore the asset manager’s to delegate.
However, we discuss these roles under the broad “outsourcing” umbrella because arrangements with third parties that provide services that support critical or important business functions (but are not technically outsourcings) are increasingly subject to similar requirements.
While a regulated firm cannot outsource its regulatory responsibilities, a well-advised asset manager can nonetheless take steps to ensure that it can fully discharge its responsibilities by reflecting them in the contract in granular, back-to-back tasks and deliverables for which the supplier has responsibility.
Such an approach will require a legal and compliance review of detailed service descriptions, service levels, governance and other contractual provisions.
The liability profile differs depending on the outsourced asset management service at issue. However, risks of the type considered above (in relation to sourcing technology solutions) are relevant to the liability profile for any outsourced solution, regardless of the type of service outsourced.
End-to-end solutions and inputs vs. outputs
Because such outsourcings generally involve the provision of an end-to-end solution (that is, one delivering outputs):
The freedom that suppliers demand in outputs-based outsourcings can be problematic for asset managers:
When will an asset manager want to control the technology used in an outsourcing?
Certain types of technology, such as order routing, could cause significant losses should errors occur. Order routing systems automate funds transactions between the fund provider and distributor. If a distributor uses the technology to buy funds, it relies on the order routing system in order to transmit the order to the fund provider as a buy. If the technology incorrectly records the order as a sell, then the trade will need to be reversed. The same is true if the order is for an incorrect number of units. There may bedealing costs in reversing the trade, but of more concern will be an adverse market movement prior to reversing the trade. The cost to reverse trades in adverse market conditions could result in a significant loss. Orders may be routed to the wrong recipient, which might reveal confidential investment strategies to a competitor, leading to a loss of market advantage. All of these risks may lead an asset manager to wish to have the right to control what order routing systems (or inputs) the supplier chooses to use in delivering an end-to-end solution (of which order routing forms part). However, if the supplier does agree to use technology chosen or procured by the asset manager, thismay be on the condition that the supplier accepts no responsibility for errors caused by that technology. |
Regulatory requirements
Asset managers who are subject to regulatory requirements on outsourcing and third party arrangements may also find it difficult to reconcile the operational freedom demanded by their outsource suppliers with the requirement that the regulated entity retains control over subcontracting by the supplier and the locations from where the services are provided.
Whether or not an asset manager is successful in being able to control the technologies a supplier uses in delivering an end-to-end service, if well-advised, it will in any event want the outsourcing contract to address risk allocation in relation to errors more generally.
For example, the contract may characterise certain types of errors as leading to losses that are recoverable by the asset manager, regardless of whether a court would otherwise regard them as direct (recoverable) or indirect/consequential (irrecoverable) losses.
Current market practice is for the contract to prescribe a non-exhaustive list of losses in respect of which the supplier will be liable. The supplier will want to make sure that this list is as specific and as narrowly defined as possible.
Assumed losses for trading errors
A supplier of back-office outsourcing services responsible for sourcing and displaying the NAV of funds to investors will typically accept responsibility for the dealing costs in reversing a trade made incorrectly as a result of the supplier’s error in the displayed NAV. Depending on how strategic the deal is, some suppliers will also accept responsibility for the adverse market movement prior to reversing the trade. However, few suppliers will agree to be responsible for more remote losses, such as the opportunities lost by investors who would have made a trade if the NAV had been displayed correctly but who chose not to, such decision being based on the incorrect NAV. These losses are difficult to prove and quantify. Similarly, in a middle office outsourcing, if the supplier incorrectly reports the portfolio of funds, an asset manager may, in response to the report, buy more of a particular asset class or conversely sell off an asset class to rebalance the fund. When the mistake is discovered, it will need to reverse the buy or sell, during which time the market may have moved adversely. Again, it will be a matter of negotiation as to whether the supplier agrees to be liable for simply the costs of executing a reverse trade or both the reverse trade costs and market movement losses in full or after netting off any market movement gains. It is market practice for suppliers to expressly exclude any liability for information obtained from, or activities performed by, certain categories of third parties, such as market data providers, pricing agents, issuer entities, registrars, custodians, brokers and other market infrastructure providers. This is because these parties operate based on standard terms that provide no or limited recourse for the supplier should there be any failure in whatever market infrastructure services are being provided. The supplier’s argument is that the asset manager will have no better recourse to recover losses than would the supplier, so it would be unfair for an asset manager to transfer that risk to the supplier in order to achieve a better position than if it had not outsourced. |
Service credits
It is common to incentivise suppliers to respond to faults and resolve them (or use reasonable endeavours to do so) within specified timeframes. An outsourcing contract will usually provide that failure to meet these timeframes (known as service levels) results in a supplier having to pay a service credit. This is an amount of money (sometimes offset against invoices due) that is generally capped at around ten to fifteen per cent of the monthly fees payable under the contract, but it can rise to higher percentages for sustained service failure.
It is often the case that the losses suffered by an asset manager as a result of an error or fault (when the supplier fails to fix it in time) will be significantly greater than the service credit payable by the supplier. For example, a failure by an outsourced solution to generate accurate reports could, in certain circumstances, prevent the asset manager from carrying out trades, causing it significant losses.
How do well-advised asset managers address this risk? There are a number of options:
Aspects of the liability profile for certain types of asset management outsourcings are prescribed (to some degree) by regulation. In particular, the “standard of liability” may be provided for in regulation, depending on the outsourced services at issue.
The standard of liability refers to contract defaults in respect of which an asset manager is required (by regulation) to require a supplier to agree (under the outsourcing contract):
Regulation may affect the standard of liability because the supplier is providing a regulated service (such as custody), and regulatory rules applicable to the outsourced service affect the supplier’s liability profile when providing it.
The UK Financial Services Authority (FCA), for example:
Alternatively, an asset manager may itself be subject to regulation that directly or indirectly governs the liability standard of its suppliers.
For example, asset managers who manage funds (as opposed to segregated portfolios) in the UK or EU may be subject to the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) or the UCITS V Directive (UCITS V), each as applicable and as implemented in the UK and EU respectively. The AIFMD and UCITS V impose liability on depositaries of UK and EU funds for certain losses. Depositaries are:
While the AIFMD and UCITS V would seem to preclude depositaries of UK or EU funds from capping their liability, there may be scope for the parties to negotiate around the precise contractual language used. Service recipients may wish to see regulatory liabilities reflected in the contract, and regulatory obligations assumed as contractual obligations of the supplier. Suppliers will often resist this:
Where liabilities or obligations are reflected in the contract, depositaries (for example) will often wish to stick closely to the terminology of the AIFMD or UCITS V, but either party may wish to incorporate more granular language to address liability for particular forms of breach.
External valuations
The AIFMD restricts the ability of suppliers appointed to perform “external valuations” for funds to limit their liability for this service.
The AIFMD provides that an external valuer to a fund will have unlimited liability for losses arising as a result of its negligence or intentional failure in performing its task as external valuer.
Merely calculating and disclosing NAV would not make a supplier an “external valuer” for these purposes – the role is more one of valuing the portfolio assets of a fund (including exercising subjective judgement on the valuation of individual assets).
Suppliers will want to be clear that their scope of service either does not involve them acting as an external valuer or, if it does, may seek in the contract to clarify and qualify their responsibilities as such in detail.
Other fund administration services
The AIFMD is not prescriptive in relation to the standard of liability for other fund administration services. Accordingly, the standard of liability for fund administration could be the breach standard linked to a cap operating by reference to fees. This means that:
Many suppliers seek to avoid liability by applying a negligence standard to fund administration services (rather than the typical breach standard). This means that:
Breach of the negligence standard of liability can be more difficult for an asset manager to establish when compared with the normal breach standard. Some suppliers seek to only accept liability under the outsourcing contract if they are guilty of wilful default or gross negligence. It is common for an asset manager to accept the supplier’s position in this regard only if the supplier accepts that it will have uncapped liability if there has been such wilful default and/or wilful misconduct or gross negligence. Should a supplier accept uncapped liability for wilful default? For a supplier, accepting uncapped liability for wilful default in exchange for not being liable for its ordinary breach or negligence may not be the best strategy. Wilful default has no fixed meaning in law and could be construed as included any activity done deliberately. For example:
Each example could be treated as a potential deliberate breach of contract or a potentially negligent act. However, operational resources of all seniority levels constantly make deliberate decisions in performing their roles. What it means for the parties negotiating this type of provision is that the position on wilful default is nuanced and needs to be carefully thought through. What do gross negligence and wilful default mean? For more detailed discussion of the meaning of “gross negligence” and “wilful default”, see our publications: |
The EU Regulation on digital operational resilience for the financial sector (more commonly known as DORA) and the DORA Directive have applied since 17 January 2025.
DORA establishes a harmonised digital operational resilience framework across the EU financial sector by requiring a range of EU financial entities, including most EU asset managers, to manage their Information and Communication (ICT) risks in a robust and effective way.
The rules set out in DORA require financial entities to have written contracts with ICT third party service providers that clearly allocate their respective rights and obligations and specify which services are permitted to be subcontracted to a third party.
Unlike other regulations, as set out above, DORA does not assign liability to the ICT third party service provider for any services it provides. However, while asset managers must remain responsible vis-à-vis the regulator for their regulatory responsibilities, DORA does not preclude asset managers from allocating liability for the ICT services procured from ICT third party service providers as a matter of contractual and commercial negotiation.
In agreeing the allocation of risk and a contractual liability scheme for an outsourcing contract with a supplier, a well-advised asset manager should be aware that the negligence standard of liability is not appropriate for certain supplier contractual commitments, which should continue to be assessed by reference to the standard of liability for contractual breach.
In other words, the negligence standard should not apply across the board to all the supplier’s contractual commitments, but it may be appropriate (or be required) for some of the contractual commitments.
For instance, in the case of middle and back office outsourced services, obligations of confidentiality, intellectual property rights provisions, exit commitments, security obligations, business continuity plans and service level commitments should logically be subject to the standard of liability for contractual breach, with a remedy in contract for breach if they are not adhered to.
It would not be uncommon to group such provisions together in the contract. They are often referred to as “managed benefits” and apply:
This approach means that breach of a managed benefit by a supplier will give rise to a contractual remedy of damages, which is recoverable by an asset manager subject to any liability caps and exclusions in the outsourcing contract.
Problems can arise when applying managed benefits within a framework agreement to services other than middle office outsourced services, such as custody, depositary and off-shore services, as these do not lend themselves to a managed benefits scheme.
Asset managers should be aware that it is an established market practice in asset management outsourcings for suppliers to request a trio of indemnities (as a minimum) from their asset manager customers, typically on an uncapped basis:
Fines or sanctions
The first indemnity is in relation to fines or sanctions imposed by a regulator as a consequence of any inadequacy in the completeness of anti-money laundering records and any costs incurred by the supplier in remedying the breach.
A supplier generally requires such an indemnity on the basis that it ought to be entitled to assume that the asset manager has carried out sufficient money laundering checks in respect of the investors. As a regulated organisation, the supplier will be subject to the same requirements, and will therefore potentially be in breach of its own regulatory responsibilities if there are any deficiencies in relation to such checks.
Asset manager’s instructions
The second indemnity is in relation to the supplier’s compliance (in accordance with the outsourcing contract) with an asset manager’s instructions.
For instance, where the supplier acts as a custodian, it will be responsible for acting on instructions to process corporate actions or to settle transactions for the fund or portfolio.
Supplier’s proper performance
The third indemnity is in relation to the supplier’s proper performance of its obligations under the outsourcing contract (otherwise known as a “no-fault” indemnity).
The main purpose of this indemnity is to act as a shield from third party claims where an investor makes a claim against the supplier instead of (or in addition to) a claim against the customer.
If the scope of this indemnity is drafted widely enough, it could replace the first two indemnities. In essence the supplier is saying that, if it incurs any unanticipated third party costs in relation to proper performance of the services, then the customer will pick these up (whether they are charge-backs, fines, penalties, third party investor claims etc.) because the supplier has only incurred those liabilities by virtue of its appointment and not because of any fault on its part.
For more information on the scope of indemnities more generally, see our publication, Indemnification.
While aspects of the liability profile of an asset management outsourcing follow market practice or are prescribed by regulation, ultimately a supplier’s appetite for assuming risk is determined by the relationship between its risk and reward.
Extracting the lowest price from a supplier may not be the best strategy if, operationally, the supplier is then incentivised to claw back costs in what it delivers. Price is as much an issue of risk management as the contractual liability regime.
It follows that creative solutions in pricing and contractual governance ought to augment an asset manager’s risk management strategy in relation to its outsourcings.
For more information on outsourcing, see our publications: |
In this edition, we focused on the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission’s (SHIAC) new arbitration rules, which take effect January 1, 2024.
On September 18, 2024, the "Decree amending the list that sets forth goods whose import and export are subject to regulation by the Ministry of Energy" (the "Decree") was published in the Federal Official Gazette.
On September 18, 2024, the "Decree amending the list that sets forth goods whose import and export are subject to regulation by the Ministry of Energy" (the "Decree") was published in the Federal Official Gazette.
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