Hannes Lubitzsch

Hannes Lubitzsch
Hannes Lubitzsch is a compliance lawyer based in Frankfurt.
He advises clients on a broad range of international compliance matters, including internal investigations, supply chain and anti-corruption compliance as well as economic sanctions, with a particular focus on high-risk markets.
Hannes has assisted multinational companies in numerous internal investigations in post-Soviet countries and advised on some of the most prominent compliance matters in the region. Having worked for many years with international law firms in Moscow, he has specialized experience in the implementation of the anti-Russia sanctions taking into account the Russian countermeasures.
Prior to joining the firm Hannes has led for more than ten years the compliance & investigations practice of an international law firm in Moscow.
Professional experience
Representative experience
Representative experience
- German car manufacturer: Compliance due diligence regarding acquisition and operation of mine in South America focusing on human rights due diligence obligations under German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
- German car manufacturer: Compliance due diligence regarding acquisition of minerals from mine in Africa focusing on human rights due diligence obligations under German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
- European engineering company: Corporate investigation at Russian subsidiary regarding violation of EU sanctions by sales to Russian arms manufacturer
- Japanese electronics corporation: Corporate investigation of bribery allegations against sales personnel and management of Russian subsidiary
- US FCPA Monitor of Russian company: Ongoing advice to the Monitor on Russian law issues relevant to the Monitorship
- European services company: Advice on management buy-out at Russian joint venture company triggered by risks under UK Bribery Act
- German medical devices manufacturer: Corporate investigation of allegations against sales personnel of Russian subsidiary regarding tender manipulation and bribery
- German building materials company: Structuring EUR 50m donation to Russian charity fund compliant with Russian law, German law and US FCPA
- US services company: Corporate investigation of bribery and embezzlement allegations against management of Russian subsidiary
- German construction company: Advice relating to investigations by Russian law enforcement authorities into lethal accident at construction site in Russia
- European aircraft engines manufacturer: Corporate investigation of bribery allegations against sales manager of Russian subsidiary
- World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA): External Ethics Officer of Russian Antidoping Agency RUSADA
Rankings and recognitions
Rankings and recognitions
- Recommended for white-collar crime in Russia, The Legal 500 EMEA (2019-21)
- Recommended for compliance in Russia, Pravo.ru-300 (2021-22)
- Recommended for corporate law in Russia, Best Lawyers (2020-22)
- Recommended for compliance and healthcare in Russia, Kommersant (2021)
- One of the "names to know in the local white-collar bar", Russia's investigations bar survey, Global Investigations Review (2020)
- Studied law at the University of Constance, Germany
- Postgraduate studies at Aberdeen University, United Kingdom
- Rechtsanwalt (German qualified lawyer)
- The German Supply Chain Act - Overview and the practical challenges for companies, Mondaq, 02/2023
- The Practitioner's Guide to Global Investigations, 6th edition, chapter on Russia, 01/2022
- Anti-corruption regulation 2021, Chapter on Russia, GTDT-Lexology, 01/2021
- Russian countersanctions: Regulation of asset freeze regime, Lexology, 12/2020
- Compliance in Russia: Seven lessons from recent anti-bribery enforcement, Legal Insight, 07/2020 (in Russian)
- Russian countersanctions: Listed persons must be sued in Russia, Mondaq, 06/2020
- Russian data localization and whistleblowing systems – the most important Q&A, Lexology, 06/2020
- Coronavirus crisis in Russia: Charitable contributions and compliance risks, Mondaq, 04/2020
- Ukraine adopts comprehensive whistleblower law, Mondaq, 12/2019
- Russian State Duma takes new counter-sanctions into summer break, Mondaq, 07/2019
- Comparing the anti-bribery and corruption legislation of Russia and other former Soviet republics – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, Lexology, 07/2019
- Corporate liability for corruption in Russia: Enforcement and developments 2018/2019, Mondaq, 04/2019
- Russian counter-sanctions: Review of 2018 and outlook for 2019, Lexology, 01/2019
- Pitfalls during corporate investigations in Russia, FCPA Blog, 01/2019
- Response to US sanctions – Russia may take moderate approach, WorldECR, 11/2018
- Russia's proposed response to US sanctions – Criminal liability for sanctions compliance and counter sanctions, WorldECR, 07/2018
- Self-reporting by companies of bribery offences and antitrust violations in Russia, CCZ, 06/2018 (in German)
- Russia Corporate ABC Report for 2017, Lexology, 04/2018
Memberships and activities
Memberships and activities
- Anti-Corruption Committee at the International Bar Association (IBA)
- German-Russian Lawyers' Association (DRJV)
- German
- English
- Russian