Recognized as a market leader in domestic and cross-border financings, our global team of asset finance lawyers act for a wide range of borrowers, lenders and investors including airlines, rolling stock leasing companies (ROSCOs), ship-owners, lessors, financial institutions and export credit agencies.
We work closely with our clients to develop new and innovative legal and financing structures and techniques, provide guidance on establishing leasing structures that allow for tax and public sector accounting benefits and ensure clients are protected from unacceptable obligations throughout the purchase, financing and leasing stages of transactions. With particular strength in the transport sector, we advise on aviation finance including pre- and post-delivery financings and leasing transactions, rail financing and supply of rolling stock, and shipping and offshore financing, as well as aviation and shipping-related restructurings.
Our team is located in all of the major markets across Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Middle East, making us accessible to clients, wherever deals are being done.
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