When an issue first arises, how a
company responds in the early
stages can be critical in protecting
both its liability position and its reputation.
It is important to be prepared, so that
managing an unfolding crisis is not a purely
reactive process and the correct first steps
can be taken.
Immediate actions
Assess the situation to understand the key
issues, materiality of the risks and potential
liability in all relevant jurisdictions. Identify
any immediate steps required to contain
or mitigate damage. It is important not to
prioritise speed over a thorough and robust
approach, but actions to restrict further
fall-out or isolate an issue should be taken
where possible.
Formulate a team with expertise in the
relevant jurisdictions and with knowledge
of the business areas affected: this may
include internal and external lawyers,
forensic accountants and IT personnel. An
investigation plan should be formulated
in consultation with that team to ensure a
robust process which upholds confidentiality
and privilege, preserves key evidence and
complies with applicable laws.
Clear procedure
The investigation plan must take into
account timescales: are there any immediate
reporting obligations or is there an imminent
court deadline, or a need to respond to
information in the public domain? Consider
which employees within the business hold
key information and take steps to secure
their cooperation. Use discretion to maintain
confidentiality: deal with sensitive information
on a need-to-know basis outside of the team.
The plan should cover preserving and
capturing data, reviewing evidence, conducting
interviews with key custodians where
necessary and producing an interim report
so that further decisions can be made on any
additional work or expert input required for
the purpose of producing a final report.
Contemporaneous evidence can be crucial
for establishing a claim to privilege, so retain
a record of the client group in respect of the
issue at hand, together with instruction letters
and terms of reference for any legal advice
obtained. Ensure that all personnel within the
client group are aware of how to protect and
preserve privilege so they do not inadvertently
waive it.
It is also important to keep under
regular review the potential outcomes of
the investigation and consequences that
would flow from those, together with any
remediation steps or loss recovery action.
The investigation plan should set out clear
reporting lines so that the decision makers
within the business are appraised of ongoing
developments to minimise surprises. Be
flexible: as the matter evolves it may not be
possible to stick rigidly to the investigation
plan, so be prepared to update it.
Managing stakeholders
Think about the different stakeholders who
have an interest in the unfolding issue and
how to manage relations with each of them.
In addition to regulatory authorities, is
immediate engagement with the company’s
insurers or auditors required? In terms of
shareholders, if the company is listed, the
crisis may trigger disclosure obligations.
Suppliers and customers may also need
reassurance (see PR strategy below).
Data preservation
Consider what data and documents are
relevant to the matter at hand and issue
document-preservation notices to relevant
stakeholders. Put auto-deletion processes of
central data servers and individual devices on
hold. Where it is necessary to image devices
or hard drives, it is crucial to ensure the
process followed is forensically sound and
conducted to an evidential standard which
is acceptable in the relevant jurisdictions
(external experts are usually required) and
that there is a record of the process. Failure
to follow a robust process may be costly if the veracity of material which supports your
case is later questioned and the supporting
paper trail does not exist. Assess relevant
data privacy and employment laws before
accessing, capturing or transferring data.
Exercise caution before producing new documents
The wider team should not create
unnecessary documents, given that all
documents relevant to the matter (whether
historic or newly created) may later be
disclosed. Be mindful of sensitive issues and
the language used.
Cross-border considerations
When dealing with different jurisdictions,
keep in mind that the privilege and data
protection regimes will not necessarily
operate in the same way as in the United
Kingdom. Where multiple jurisdictions’
laws are relevant to the matter and it is
unclear which jurisdiction (or jurisdictions)
proceedings may be brought in, it may be
necessary to meet the highest watermark
in order to maintain privilege. Local
advice should be sought at an early stage
and incorporated into privilege and data
protection protocols.
Third-party advisers
Privilege may apply to the work product
of third parties, depending on the
circumstances. For example, in the recent
ENRC litigation, the Court of Appeal held
that privilege applied to materials generated
by external accountants as part of a "books
and records" review carried out to identify
systems and controls weaknesses and
potential improvements, as the review was
undertaken for the dominant purpose of
resisting prosecution. Instructions to thirdparty
advisers should preserve arguments
about privilege by clearly describing why they
are instructed and the purpose of the work
to be carried out. Consider whether advice
from non-lawyers should be communicated
verbally in the first instance and ask that they
avoid any speculation regarding possible legal
Decide who will correspond with any
counter-parties and avoid multiple channels
of communication to prevent inconsistent
messaging from different areas of the
business. Obtain full instructions as to
business objectives and factor that into
correspondence, in addition to the relevant
legal issues. For example, a continuing
business relationship will necessitate a
different tone of correspondence from one
where relations are hostile. Focus on your
best points and resist a scatter-gun approach
by putting your case theory simply and
consistently. Take care not to pre-empt any
other party’s arguments or motivations.
Correspond in a manner that keeps possible
settlement opportunities open, and refer
to the applicable pre-action protocol and
practice direction on pre-action conduct
where appropriate.
PR strategy
Consider whether you need to engage a
specialist public relations agency to manage
any reputational concerns, for example
through assisting with drafting an external
statement or fielding press enquiries. Pause
before making external communications
to ensure that the immediate PR and the
medium/long-term legal and business
strategies are aligned.
Have a plan
Processes for dealing with a crisis should
be established and tested. Implementing
an escalation process and appointing a
designated internal core crisis team (and
substitutes) can help to focus responses
and allow for quick decision-making in an
evolving and time-critical matter. Putting
protocols in place in advance, familiarising
team members with them through training,
and reviewing and improving them based on
test scenarios and real experiences enable
effective and efficient crisis management
when an issue arises.
This article was first published in the IBA litigation newsletter