A detailed table outlining the various programs available in Manitoba are listed below. If you would like to discuss your eligibility for any of these programs, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team.

Support for Small and Medium Sized Businesses 

Description Eligibility Application details
  • The Manitoba Gap Protection Program (MGPP) is available to any business in Manitoba that have fallen into a gap in failing to qualify for the various federal government assistance 
  • The province will advance each eligible business a non-interest bearing forgivable loan of $6,000, for a total of up to $120 million. The loan will be forgiven on December 31, 2020, if the recipient attests at that time the business has not received any major non-repayable COVID-19 federal supports such as the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and the Canada Emergency Business Account, as well as sector-specific grant federal programs specifically developed in response to the pandemic. If the applicant has received benefits under a federal COVID program, then the loan will be added to the recipient’s 2020 tax bill

To be eligible for the MGPP funding, a business must:

  • have been operational on March 20, 2020, the date the Manitoba government declared a province-wide state of emergency under The Emergency Measures Act because of COVID-19
  • have temporarily ceased or curtailed operations as a result of a COVID-19 public health order and have been harmed by the health order
  • be registered and in good standing with the Manitoba Business and Corporate Registry
  • have not qualified for federal government COVID-19 grant support; and 
  • have an email address & bank account 



  • N/A

Deferring Provincial Taxes 

Description Eligibility Application details
  • Deferring provincial income tax and corporate income tax filing deadlines and payments to coincide with the current revised federal deferral of income tax to August 31 
  • Individuals and businesses filing taxes in Manitoba may be eligible 
  • N/A

Sales Tax Filing Deadline Extension 

Description Eligibility Application details
  • Extended the April and May tax filing deadlines until June 22, 2020 for small and medium businesses with monthly retail sales tax remittances of no more than $10,000 
  • Businesses that file on a quarterly basis that have a due date of April 20, 2020 have had the due date extended to June 22, 2020 
  • Businesses filing taxes in Manitoba may be eligible 
  • N/A

Deferring Provincial Fees and Charges 

Description Eligibility Application details
For the next 6 months until October 1, the Province is:
  • instructing Manitoba Hydro, Centra Gas and Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) to not charge interest or penalties in the event that Manitobans are unable to pay
  • instructing MPI to relax ordinary practices on policy renewals and collections 
  • instructing Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries not to charge interest on receivables from restaurants, bars and specialty wine stores; 
  • directing Manitoba Hydro and Centra Gas to not disconnect customers during these times; and 
  • working with municipal partners to ensure municipalities do not charge interest on provincial education taxes and school division fees and the province is encouraging municipalities to do the same with respect to their own taxes 
  • Individuals and businesses based in Manitoba may be eligible 
  • N/A

Workers’ Compensation Board 

Description Eligibility Application details
  • Deferred premium payments until the end of May 2020 
  • Late payment penalties will be waived until further notice 
  • Extend the payroll reporting deadline without penalties until the end of May 
  • The WCB will return a $37-million surplus to provide financial relief to eligible employers in the province. In May, eligible employers will receive a credit to their account based on 20% of their 2019 premium. To be eligible, employers must have fulfilled their payroll reporting responsibilities for 2019 and paid a WCB premium in 2019. Employers can still report their 2019 payroll to receive the surplus distribution 
  • Employers based in Manitoba may be eligible
  • N/A

Summer Student Recover Plan 

Description Eligibility Application details
  • A new wage subsidy program to support high school and post-secondary students employed in the private and non-profit sectors 
  • Under the new program, up to $120 million is available for employers to access a $7 per hour wage subsidy, up to a maximum of $5,000 per student
  • The program is open to Manitoba students aged 15 to 29, with an employment period from May 1 to September 4 
  • Employers can be subsidized to hire up to five students 
  • Reimbursement will be provided at the end of the employment period, upon proof of payment of student wages 
  • Students and employers based in Manitoba may be eligible 
  • Employers can apply here

Call to Action for Manufacturers

Description Eligibility Application details
  • If you are a Manitoban manufacturer or business that is prepared to rapidly scale up production or re-tool your manufacturing lines to develop products made in Manitoba to help in the fight against COVID-19, please complete the submission form
  • All Manitoba manufacturers that can assist with manufacturing products needed to address COVID-19
  • Submit the following form

Call to Action for Suppliers/Distributors

Description Eligibility Application details
  • If you are a Manitoba Supplier/Distributor with inventory or established channels to products to help in the fight against COVID-19, please complete the submission form
  • All Manitoba suppliers/distributors that can assist with supplying or delivering products needed to address COVID-19
  • Submit the following form



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