2025 Annual Litigation Trends Survey
Norton Rose Fulbright has released its 2025 Annual Litigation Trends Survey, analyzing litigation trends across the legal landscape.
Global | Publication | November 2018
There have been a number of corporate governance developments since the Summer of 2018, as well as developments in the narrative aspects of annual reports and accounts. This briefing summarises those developments and looks at some of the future developments in these areas that companies need to start preparing for.
Since September 28, 2018 AIM companies have been required to disclose on their website, as part of their AIM Rule 26 disclosures, details of the recognised corporate governance code that they have decided to apply, how they comply with that code and, where they depart from the code, an explanation of the reasons for doing so. As a result, in July 2018, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) published a new edition of Inside AIM in relation to preparation for these corporate governance changes taking effect from September 2018.
The LSE notes the following in Inside AIM:
(LSE: Inside AIM - Preparation for Corporate Governance Changes – 26.07.18)
In August 2018, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published its response to the insolvency and corporate governance consultation that it launched in March 2018. The response document summarises the responses received and sets out the Government’s proposed next steps.
The March 2018 consultation document focused on reducing the risk of major company failures occurring through shortcomings of governance or stewardship and it looked to strengthen the responsibilities of directors of firms when they are in or approaching insolvency. It also explored options to improve the Government’s investigatory powers when things go wrong. In light of the responses received, the Government proposes to take forward a number of actions, subject to further consultation where necessary.
Action to strengthen corporate governance in pre-insolvency situationsAction to improve the insolvency framework in cases of major failure
(BEIS, Insolvency and Corporate Governance – Government response, 26.08.18)
On November 13, 2018 the Hampton-Alexander Review published its third report assessing progress against the five key recommendations that it set in 2016, highlighting emerging best practice and current challenges.
The report notes the following:
Executive Committee and Direct Reports
The FTSE 100 has seen the number of women on the combined Executive Committee and Direct Reports increase to 27 per cent in 2018, up from 25.2 per cent in 2017. For the FTSE 250, the number of women on their combined Executive Committee and Direct Reports has increased marginally to 24.9 per cent in 2018, up from 24 per cent in 2017.
Women on boards
The number of women on FTSE 100 boards is now 30.2 per cent, up from 27.7 per cent in 2017. Women’s representation on FTSE 250 boards has increased from 22.8 per cent in 2017 to 24.9 per cent in 2018.
The number of all-male boards is now down to five, from 10 in 2017, but 75 companies in the FTSE 350 only have one woman on the board.
The report notes that if progress continues at a similar rate, the FTSE 100 is on track to achieve the 33 per cent target for women on boards by 2020. However, a step change in pace is needed elsewhere with half of all available appointments in the next two years, both board appointments and combined Executive Committee and Director Reports, needing to go to women to achieve the 33 per cent target.
Throughout the report, there are examples of good practice as well as a summary of the barriers to women’s progression in the workplace. The report compares UK progress to that internationally and the role of executive search firms and the investor community is also considered.
(Hampton-Alexander Review, Improving gender balance in FTSE leadership, 13.11.18)
In October 2018, the Investment Association published guidance for companies on “Update Statements”, being an update, published within six months of an Annual General Meeting or General Meeting at which 20 per cent or more of the votes have been cast against a board recommended resolution, on the views received from shareholders and actions taken by a company since that meeting. This is required by Provision 4 of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code.
Update Statements will appear on the Public Register maintained by the Investment Association and which highlights companies in the FTSE All Share index who receive a high vote against, or withdraw a resolution at or before an Annual General Meeting or General Meeting. The Public Register provides companies with the opportunity to highlight to investors and other stakeholders the steps they have taken to engage with shareholders in such situations.
The guidance provides information on the features investors would like to see in Update Statements. These should:
(The Investment Association: Guidance for companies on Public Register update statements – 10.10.18)
In October 2018, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) launched a consultation on aspects of their benchmark voting policy for the UK, Ireland and Europe.
In light of increased scrutiny of the role and performance of auditors, and signs of investors’ willingness to hold auditors directly accountable for perceived failures in audit quality, ISS is proposing to track significant audit quality issues, with a focus on accounting controversies, at the lead engagement partner level, wherever such information is available for UK, Irish and European companies.
ISS research reports will note any lead audit partners (and/or partnership firms) who have been linked with significant auditing controversies and, where they are engaged in the audit for other public companies, this will be raised for investor attention even if no audit concerns have been identified at the subject company. A negative recommendation on auditor ratification may be applied in the most severe cases, for example, where the lead audit partner has previously been linked with a corporate failure scenario or other material destruction of shareholder value arising from fraud or other accounting issues.
ISS specifically seeks feedback from investors on the following:
Comments on these issues will be taken into consideration when ISS finalises its benchmark voting policies to be applied for shareholder meetings taking place on or after February 1, 2019.
(ISS Consultation: Auditor Ratification (UK/Ireland and Europe) – 18.10.18)
In July 2018, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) launched its annual global policy survey for 2018, a key component of their annual global policy development process, looking at potential changes for 2019.
One question in the EMEA region questionnaire seeks information on the chair's responsibility in contentious executive pay situations, focusing specifically on the UK. ISS notes that there have been recent examples of relatively high dissenting shareholder votes against chairs in such situations, often accompanied by high dissenting votes against remuneration committee members. In some cases, the chair was not a member of the remuneration committee. ISS asks for views as to:
(ISS’ Annual Policy Survey 2018: Part One – 30.07.18)
(ISS’ Annual Policy Survey 2018: Part Two (EMEA) – 30.07.18)
In September 2018 the European Commission’s Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 of September 3, 2018 laying down minimum requirements as regards shareholder identification, the transmission of information and the facilitation of the exercise of shareholders’ rights under the amended Shareholder Rights Directive 2007/36/EC was published in the Official Journal.
The European Commission previously published a draft of the Implementing Regulation and invited comments by May 9, 2018.
Changes to the draft Regulation are mainly to clarify existing rules, rather than to introduce new regulations. Changes include the following:
The Annex to the final Implementing Regulation is in largely the same form as under the draft Regulation, but a few minor changes to the requirements for the different types of requests, notices and confirmation required have been made.
The Implementing Regulation will apply from September 3, 2020.
(Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 – 03.09.18)
On October 22, 2018 the GC100 published guidance on the practical interpretation of the duty on directors in section 172 Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006). The guidance aims to provide practical help to directors on the performance of their section 172 duty and it supplements earlier guidance the GC100 published in 2007 when the statutory duties of directors in the CA 2006 came into force.
The guidance sets out five specific steps directors can take to help them embed section 172 in their company’s decision making and it also considers the issue of the company’s culture:
The guidance also includes an example scenario of how directors in a specific business situation (the scaling back of a production line) could discharge their duties under section 172.
(GC100: Guidance on directors’ duties – Section 172 and Shareholder considerations – October 2018)
In July 2018, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) published revised guidance on the strategic report (2018 SR Guidance) which encourages companies to consider wider stakeholders and broader matters that impact performance over the longer term. The SR Guidance is aimed at directors and is intended as best practice for all entities preparing strategic reports.
At the same time, the FRC published a statement summarising feedback received on the related consultation paper issued in August 2017. The feedback was generally positive and showed that the original 2014 strategic report guidance was helpful. As a result, the FRC has not undertaken a fundamental review, but just made a small number of amendments to the 2014 guidance.
The 2018 SR Guidance places a greater focus on the directors’ section 172 Companies Act 2006 duty to promote the success of the company. As a result, the 2018 SR Guidance:
(FRC: Guidance on the Strategic Report – 31.07.2018)
(FRC: Feedback Statement – Amendments to Guidance on the Strategic Report – 31.07.2018)
In November 2018, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published an updated version of the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 Q&A which was originally published in June 2018.
Changes in the updated Q&As include the following:
(Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 updated Q&A, 09.11.18)
On November 9, 2018 the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published the Companies (Directors' Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018 and an accompanying explanatory memorandum.
The published Regulations remain unchanged from the draft Regulations published on July 18, 2018. They make changes to reporting requirements for quoted companies and introduce new reporting requirements for large unquoted companies and large limited liability partnerships (LLPs) to annually report on emissions, energy consumption and energy efficiency action as follows:
The Regulations will come into force on April 1, 2019 and will have effect on financial years beginning on or after this date.
On November 6, 2018 the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) published a report setting out findings from its thematic review of smaller listed and AIM company disclosures in their annual reports and accounts. The review, which was conducted by the FRC’s Corporate Reporting Review, considered the annual reports and accounts of 22 listed companies outside the FTSE 350 and 18 AIM quoted companies with year ends ranging from December 31, 2017 to March 31, 21018.
The main objective of the report is to encourage better quality reporting that better enables users to assess the quality of management’s decisions and to provide preparers with examples of better disclosure. The report covers the following topics:
Alternative performance measures (APMs) and strategic reports
The FRC has noted improvements in the presentation of APMs but most of the improvements identified involved incremental changes to existing disclosures (for example, clarifying narrative elements, providing a better balance between APMs and IFRS measures and explaining the calculation of APMs), rather than major redrafting of the report and accounts. However, it has also noted several inconsistencies with the reporting requirements and comments that companies should not use labels that are likely to be confused with terminology defined by IFRS or normally used in the context of IFRS reporting. In addition, only a few companies provided specific, rather than general disclosures to explain their rationale for excluding certain items from an APM. The FRC does expect companies to explain why individual items have been excluded from an APM.
In considering the overall comprehensiveness of strategic reports, the FRC notes that the quality of the discussion in relation to cash flow matters varied significantly, with weaker narrative failing to present a comprehensive view of the cash position or showing inconsistencies with the financial statement. Better examples specifically address the effect on cash flows of individually significant transactions separately from ongoing trends and provide supplemental information to support the analysis where required.
Pension disclosures
While there were improvements in previously reported information, and most companies, for example, disclosed key pension valuation assumptions, they did not always provide the required sensitivity analyses. The FRC also expects companies to explain any judgement made when assessing pension trustees’ rights and this assessment should be made both when there is a pension surplus, as well as when total committed contributions under a minimum funding requirement exceed the net defined benefit liability.
Accounting policies, including critical judgements and estimates
The FRC notes that there were markedly fewer judgements than estimates reported. It comments that companies should differentiate between judgements that do not involve estimation uncertainty and those that do, as there are different reporting requirements. It also notes that there were cases where the auditor’s report included commentary on matters involving significant judgement or estimation by management that had not been disclosed as such in the accounts.
Cash flow statements
The FRC notes that companies should explain key cash flows and their cash position in the strategic report. In some cases, the classification of cash flows appear to be inconsistent with IAS 7 requirements and while the FRC understands that reverse factoring/supplier financing arrangements are common, these were only referred to by one company reviewed.
Tax disclosures
A number of the companies reviewed presented their effective tax rate reconciliation clearly. However, the FRC did challenge companies where significant movements in the tax charge were labelled “other”, potentially reducing the usefulness of the analysis of the charge, or credit, for the period or the reconciliation to a standard applicable rate. The FRC comments that better tax disclosures provide a clear explanation of the matters requiring estimation, the amounts in question and sources of uncertainty affecting them.
Table of reminders
A table in section 8 of the report sets out the FRC’s expectations in each of the areas above and provides guidance on what should be included so as to assist companies in considering the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and relevant IFRSs.
(FRC: Corporate reporting publications - Small Listed and AIM Quoted Companies, 06.11.18)
On October 30, 2018 the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) launched a project to challenge existing thinking about corporate reporting and consider how companies should better meet the information needs of shareholders and other stakeholders.
As part of the project, the FRC will review current financial and non-financial reporting practices, consider the information investors and stakeholders require, consider the purpose of corporate reporting and the role of the annual report and other types of corporate communications, and look at how technology can assist companies in delivering information to stakeholders. The FRC expects the project to lead to a series of calls for action for changes to regulation and practice. The FRC will publish a thought leadership paper consolidating the outcomes of the project later in 2019.
The FRC are looking for up to fifteen participants to join an advisory group to support the project, and is accepting nominations for participants until November 15, 2018.
(FRC: Future of Corporate Reporting – Call for participation – 30.10.18)
In October 2018 the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) published a report on its review of corporate reporting in the UK following its review of 220 reports and accounts, predominantly December 2016 year ends. One aim of the report is to help companies improve the quality of their reporting.
Key findings include the following:
The FRC’s report also includes an overview of future developments in relation to corporate governance and reporting.
(FRC: Annual review of corporate governance and reporting 2017/18 – October 2018)
In October, 2018 the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) published a document outlining the technical findings of their 2017/18 Corporate Reporting Review. The document highlights the matters most frequently flagged by the FRC’s corporate reporting monitoring activities.
The document identifies the top ten areas in which the FRC asked questions of preparers relating to reports reviewed in the financial year ending March 2018, and builds on themes highlighted in the Annual Review of Corporate Governance and Reporting 2017/18. These areas are:
Particular focus has been given to the top three of these areas, two of which, Judgements and Estimates, and the use of APMs, were the subject of thematic reviews published in 2017. These issues, along with issues in relation to the Strategic Report, equate to approximately one third of the total questions asked by the FRC’s corporate reporting review team throughout the year.
In light of the findings, the FRC encourages preparers to consider how to improve and develop their reporting.
(FRC: Corporate Reporting Review Technical findings 2017/18 – 22.10.18)
(BEIS: Committee report on gender pay gap reporting – 02.08.18)
On November 7, 2018, the Financial Reporting Council’s Financial Reporting Lab (Lab) published a report providing guidance for companies on the presentation of performance metrics in their reporting.
The Lab notes that performance metrics presented in a fair, balanced and understandable way are key to the communication between companies and investors. The report includes examples of how companies can apply the five principles outlined in the Lab’s June 2018 Report on performance metrics which focused on investors’ views. That report highlighted that when trying to understand performance, investors utilise whatever information they think is likely to be useful, regardless of its type. Investors will, however, be seeking different metrics, or using them in different ways, depending on their position in the investment chain and investment focus.
In relation to each of the five principles, the report sets out questions that the management and board should ask in relation to each principle and it provides examples of good practice:
(Financial Reporting Lab: Performance metrics – Principles and practice, 7.11.18)
In October 2018, the Financial Reporting Lab (Lab) of the Financial Reporting Council published a report which considers how reporting practice in relation to both business model reporting and risk and viability reporting has changed since the Lab published its “Business model reporting” report in October 2016 and its Report on “Risk and viability reporting” in November 2017. The report also examines how companies have responded to suggestions for good practice disclosure that were presented in those reports and it highlights examples where companies have thought about and demonstrated how to enhance the value of their disclosures.
The report makes a number of points, including the following:
The report includes questions for boards on both principal risks and the viability statement.
In September 2018, the Financial Reporting Lab (Lab) of the Financial Reporting Council invited investors and companies to participate in a new project regarding how the disclosure of climate change and workforce information can be reported effectively.
The scope of the project is likely to explore, among other things, how companies understand, measure and report on climate change and workforce issues, especially in the context of new reporting requirements, and examine how investors use this information. The project will consider how the recommendations identified in the Lab’s previous reports on business model reporting, risk and viability and performance metrics apply to companies’ reporting on climate change and their workforce.
A final report is likely to be published in Autumn 2019.
In November 2018, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee (BEIS Committee) launched an inquiry into the future of audit. The enquiry follows a similar study by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) on the statutory audit market and the Government’s independent review of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) led by Sir John Kingman.
The inquiry will focus on the likely impact of the CMA market study and the review of the FRC in improving quality and competition in the audit market and reducing conflicts of interest. The Committee intends to feed into the CMA study and ensure audit reform is linked to coherent reform of the wider corporate governance agenda. As part of this inquiry, the BEIS Committee will consider the published submissions from the CMA’s market study of the audit sector.
Submissions are requested by January 11, 2019. The BEIS Committee intends to begin evidence hearings in January 2019, as soon as possible after the Kingman and initial CMA reports are published.
(BEIS Committee Inquiry: future of audit, 12.11.18)
(BEIS Committee Inquiry: future of audit press release, 12.11.18)
In October 2018, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) published a report setting out the work the FRC has undertaken in the last year to drive the delivery of consistent, high-quality audits by UK firms and address specific risks and issues. In line with the FRC’s aim to promote transparency and integrity in business, the report considers auditor independence, audit quality, the future needs of investors and corporate viability.
The report highlights several key themes, including:
(Financial Reporting Council: Developments in Audit, October 2018 – 08.10.18)
In October 2018, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched a market study into the statutory audit market in the UK to determine whether it is working as well as it should. As part of its review, the CMA will investigate whether the sector is competitive and resilient enough to determine whether it is working as it should to maintain high quality standards. The review focuses on three sets of issues, namely choice and switching of auditors, the long-term resilience of the sector, and the incentives between audited companies, audit firms and investors.
The CMA will focus on what might be the most effective and proportionate remedies but will look particularly at ideas to improve incentives, further separating audit and non-audit services, and reducing barriers to entry and expansion of non-Big Four firms.
(CMA: Statutory audit market – invitation to comment – 09.10.18)
(CMA: Statutory audit market – market study notice – 09.10.18)
In October 2018, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy published a notice explaining the implications for accounting, corporate reporting and audit if the UK leaves the EU in March 2019 with no Brexit agreement in place.
The notice states that if after March 2019 there is no deal, the Government will ensure that the UK continues to have a functioning regulatory framework for companies and that, as far as possible, the same laws and rules that are currently in place continue to apply, but certain changes will be necessary to reflect that the UK is no longer an EU Member State.
A number of points, including the following, are made:
Accounting and corporate reporting
A number of points, including the following, are made:
(BEIS: Accounting and audit if there is no Brexit deal guidance – 12.10.18)
in November 2018, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published the draft Statutory Auditors and Third Country Auditors (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018. The draft Regulations are intended to address deficiencies arising from the UK’s exit from the EU in relation to the regulatory oversight and professional recognition of statutory auditors and third country auditors in the UK.
In summary, the draft Regulations make amendments to the Statutory Auditors and Third Country Auditors Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/649), the legislation that implements the Audit Directive, and to the retained UK version of the Audit Regulation. The draft Regulations also transfer powers, previously held by the European Commission, to the Secretary of State and to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC).
The draft Regulations include amendments to the Companies Act 2006, the Companies (Audit Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004, the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 and the European Communities Act 1972 to provide:
The draft Regulations also include amendments to the Statutory Auditors and Third Country Auditors Regulations 2016 to provide the FRC with further powers. These new powers supplement the FRC's existing powers to set standards in the UK and allow them to adopt International Standards on Auditing.
in October 2018, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy published the Accounts and Reports (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018. These make a number of amendments to Part 15 Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) relating to the preparation and filing of accounts by companies in the UK. Part 15 CA 2006, with regulations made under Part 15, transposed into UK law the aspects of the EU Accounting Directive (Directive 2013/34/EU) which related to companies.
The draft Regulations address a number of minor inoperabilities arising from the UK’s exit from the EU, such as substituting references to the Accounting Directive with references to domestic legislation, as well as making changes which have more significant impacts, such as limiting the scope of certain exemptions so that they apply only to UK registered companies with UK parents.
The accompanying explanatory memorandum notes that the UK reporting framework derives heavily from EU law and in places it relies on reciprocal arrangements for company group structures. Once the UK leaves the EU, EEA states will be third countries in relation to the UK and the UK will be a third country in relation to EEA states. In the absence of a negotiated agreement about the economic relationship between the UK and the EU, it will be inappropriate to continue with preferential treatment for EEA entities or UK entities with parents or subsidiaries from EEA states, or entities listed on EEA regulated markets as this would amount to unreciprocated preferential treatment. Entities from, and listed on markets in, EEA states will be treated in the same way as entities from, and listed on markets in, other third countries. However, preferential treatment will continue for UK entities, UK entities with UK parents or subsidiaries and for those entities listed on UK markets.
In general, changes made by the draft Regulations which relate to financial years will apply to financial years beginning on or after the day the UK leaves the EU. However, for financial years that begin before, but end or on after, that date, the relevant UK law will apply as if the UK continued to be a member state.
Amendments are also being made to other legislation, including the Partnerships (Accounts) Regulations 2008, the Limited Liability Partnerships (Accounts and Audit) (Application of Companies Act 2006) Regulations 2008, the Overseas Companies Regulations 2009 and the Reports on Payments to Governments Regulations 2014.
There will be another instrument which deals with the adoption of international accounting standards for the UK, and related consequential amendments, which will be published in due course.
(The Accounts and Reports (Amendment) (EU Exit) regulations 2018 explanatory memorandum – 31.10.18)
In September, 2018, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) published a report which assesses the current extent and manner of reporting by FTSE 350 companies on diversity at board and senior management levels in their annual reports.
Data was collected from the annual reports of FTSE 350 companies published as at March 1, 2018 and the report’s key findings include the following:
The report identifies examples of reporting that lead the way in terms of quality, in some cases providing real insight into the approach of companies concerned. The FRC notes in the report that it is considering the nature and scope of future monitoring against the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code given that represents a significant increase in emphasis on succession planning and diversity in the management pipeline. It also encourages boards to think beyond gender diversity and to ensure appointment and succession planning practices are designed to promote diversity more broadly.
(FRC, Board diversity reporting - 17.09.18)
In October 2018, the Government Equalities Office published a report on the Gender Pay Gap Information Regulations 2017.
Companies with 250 or more employees in England, Wales and Scotland are now legally required to report annually on the gender pay gap within their organisation, both on their own website and via a Governmental reporting portal. The report considers and summarises information reported by employers in the first year of the 2017 Regulations, along with findings from related research.
Key findings are as follows:
In October 2018, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and the Race Disparity Unit (RDU) launched a consultation on ethnicity pay reporting.
The consultation seeks views on ethnicity pay reporting by employers and asks a number of questions, including the following:
The aim of the consultation is to provide the Government and employers with information which enables them to move forward in a consistent and transparent way. The consultation closes in January 2019 and responses received will contribute to future Government policy on ethnicity pay reporting.
(BEIS: Open consultation on ethnicity pay reporting – 11.10.18)
In August 2018, the House of Commons' Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee (BEIS) published a report on gender pay gap reporting. This report follows responses to the BEIS Select Committee inquiry into aspects of pay in the private sector launched in March 2018.
The report’s recommendations include the following:
(BEIS: Committee report on gender pay gap reporting – 02.08.18)
Norton Rose Fulbright has released its 2025 Annual Litigation Trends Survey, analyzing litigation trends across the legal landscape.
In late December 2024, the Ontario Court of Appeal clarified the applicable test for leave to appeal from the province’s Divisional Court, which the Court of Appeal had only recently discussed at length earlier that month.
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