Speed read
The after-effects of the Rangers decision are being felt beyond
the tax tribunals. In two recent decisions (Re Vining Sparks
and Toone), the High Court has considered the role and
responsibilities of directors approving the entry into similar EBT
schemes. The decisions reached differ, but what is clear is that
directors must consider the entry into and impact of enquiries
made into tax avoidance arrangements carefully, question and
fully understand related risks and would be well advised to obtain
independent advice beyond that of the promoter of the scheme
itself. Second opinions should be capable of reliance: ‘phone a
friend is’ not enough.
It always pays for those in the tax world to look up from
the decisions of the tax tribunals and higher courts
and see what is happening elsewhere in the courts. Two
judges in the Bankruptcy and Companies Court heard
separate cases in early October. In both those cases,
liquidators brought claims against directors for HMRC
debt for unpaid PAYE and NICs liabilities related to EBT
avoidance schemes.
The tax avoidance arrangements were closely aligned
to the planning in RFC 2012 Plc v HMRC (the Rangers
case). The Rangers planning was held to have failed by
the Court of Session ([2015] CSIH 77) and the Supreme
Court ([2017] UKSC 45). There was no dispute that the
schemes in these cases under consideration failed on the
same basis.
The scheme
The basic Rangers planning involved establishing an EBT
into which payments were made by the company. Under
the terms of the scheme, however, the employee had no
interest in or contractual right to the EBT funds. On that basis, it was argued that the payments did not represent
earnings or emoluments of employment and no PAYE or
NICs was deducted. A recommendation was then made
by the company to the trustees that the funds should be
re-settled into a sub-fund with the capital and income of
the sub-fund applied in accordance with that employee’s
wishes. The employee, as protector of the sub-fund,
could direct who the sub-trust beneficiaries should be
(typically family members). In the interim, the employee
could request a loan in an amount up to the sub-trust
funds. That loan was renewable and not expected to be
repaid until the employee’s death (at which time it would
be deductible when calculating the estate value for IHT
The first decision: Re Vining Sparks
The tax avoidance scheme entered into by the company in
Re Vining Sparks UK Ltd (in liquidation) [2019] EWHC
2885 followed the Rangers planning almost exactly, and
Baxendale Walker was the promoter of the arrangements
in both cases. The company had subsequently gone into
liquidation. The liquidators brought a claim against the
directors for just over £1.5m: this was the amount of the
debt for which HMRC proved in liquidation.
Claims by the liquidators
There was no argument that the Rangers decision applied
to the EBT scheme and that therefore payments made to
the EBT were subject to PAYE and NICs. The question
at issue was the role of the directors and, specifically, the
role of one of the directors in particular. The liquidators
argued that in choosing to adopt the scheme, the director
had acted in breach of his director’s duties and had also
entered into fraudulent activity. A further claim was
brought specifically in respect of the amounts paid to the
sub-trust operated for the benefit of his family.
The claim brought for breach of director’s duties was
for breach of the duty to promote the success of the
company. Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 sets out
the basic good faith duty and the considerations that must
be taken into account when exercising it.
The key arguments made by the liquidators against the
director were that:
- He caused the company to adopt a scheme which
concealed the true nature of what was going on (i.e.
payment of emoluments to employees). In particular,
information provided to HMRC was misleading
because it failed to disclose/concealed on the
company’s intentions.
- He could not have had a reasonable belief that the
scheme worked to avoid PAYE and NICs liabilities. He
knew that the scheme did not reflect his actual
knowledge in respect of the money received by him
and other employees.
- He should have obtained independent advice. It was
insufficient to rely on the advice of the promoter. In
addition, some of the subsequent advice received from
the promoter, including advice to ‘shuffle’ papers
provided to HMRC, should have put the directors on
- No reasonable director, acting in good faith, could
have reached the decision to enter into the EBT
scheme and make payments to the EBT without
deduction for PAYE or NICs.
The director’s defence was that he had acted in
good faith. He had understood the proposals to be a
legitimate tax avoidance scheme which would enable employees to receive new contracts and high rewards at
no additional cost to the company and that this would aid
recruitment and retention in a highly competitive field.
This understanding was based on the advice received
from Baxendale Walker (the scheme promoters), advice
from accountants to the company’s US parent company
and informal advice received by the company’s in-house
counsel who had ‘sounded out’ six city firms and received
‘favourable reports’.
Reliance on the promoter’s advice
Judge Jones was highly critical of the reliance on the
Baxendale Walker advice. He refers to Mr Baxendale
Walker advising on his own schemes as a clear conflict
of interest. Baxendale Walker stood to benefit from
commission if the scheme was adopted. Promoters could
not provide independent advice on their own schemes:
‘Even towering, unbreachable [Chinese] walls would be
insufficient’ to address that conflict. In Judge Jones’ view,
this should have been clear to both the director and inhouse
counsel. The advice obtained from the accountants
to the US parent company was only given in general
terms before the specifics of the scheme were known. It
provided the directors with some backdrop against which
to assess the decision to enter into the scheme but could
not be seen as providing any challenge to or superseding
the promoter’s advice or curing its lack of independence.
The duty to act in good faith
Acting in good faith requires honesty, integrity and
fairness. The question of honesty has received a fair
amount of commentary following the decision in Ivey v
Genting Casinos (UK) Ltd [2017] UKSC 67. Judge Jones
considered the two-stage test. The first, subjective, test
looks at the director’s state of mind or belief on the basis
of facts that were known (or ought to have been known
if he didn’t turn a blind eye) by the director at the time.
The second test then requires an objective assessment of
whether or not the director’s conduct was honest.
The court held that dishonesty had not been
established. The advice obtained and subsequent
reassurance obtained from Baxendale Walker all
supported the director’s understanding that the scheme
successfully avoided liability for PAYE and NICs as it did
not give rise to payments of earnings or emoluments.
The scheme was sold to the director on that express basis
and he received no contrary advice. Even when potential
liability was questioned by the EBT trustee, Baxendale
Walker’s advice in response was very clear and positive.
The court was critical of the failure of the directors to
obtain independent advice but that criticism went to
whether they had exercised the appropriate duty of care
and not, specifically, to whether they had relied on the
advice obtained honestly.
The decision makes interesting comments as to
what would constitute dishonesty in this context: it
comes down to whether there was dishonest intent in
establishing the scheme arrangements. There was no
concealment within the trust deed and documentation
of the scheme’s artificiality. The use of letters of wishes
recommending action to the trustees was not evidence
that they acted in breach of their trustee duties. Both
these factors were evidence of the operation of an
avoidance scheme, not evidence of dishonesty. The same
basic principles applied to the granting of the loans. The
key question for the director was whether he believed
that the scheme worked. He did and his reliance on the
advice received was not dishonest. Baxendale Walker provided advice robustly countering concerns and, at the
relevant time, Baxendale Walker’s advice was supported
by decisions in Dextra [2003] EWH 872, Sempra [2008]
STC 1062 and the early Rangers decisions.
To the director’s mind, the scheme enabled the
employees to receive higher rewards at no cost to the
company, thereby promoting the success of the company
by aiding recruitment and retention.
The director was found to have acted in good faith
and the absence of dishonesty meant that there were
no grounds for the alternative claim of fraudulent
trading and the application notice was dismissed. In its
conclusions, the court reiterated that independent advice
should be obtained by the board when considering these
kinds of arrangements but was also clear that a failure
to obtain independent advice does not automatically
determine the subjective good faith test.
The second decision: Toone
The result for different directors of a company which
had also entered into an EBT avoidance scheme was
significantly harsher.
This second case – Toone and another v W Ross and
another [2019] EWHC 2855 (Toone) – was argued quite
differently, but it covers much of the same ground. The
company had again looked at how it could structure
payments to its key employees in a tax efficient manner
and had entered into an avoidance scheme. The scheme
again involved EBTs with a sub-fund for the benefit
of a particular employee’s family which made loans to
the employees. The scheme’s promoters had designed
the scheme and had set up a large number of similar
arrangements. Information provided by the promoters
included a document setting out key points of the
arrangement, tax benefits and the functioning of the EBT.
It also included a letter setting out the promoter’s view
of the risk of the scheme failing. This made reference to
favourable tax counsel opinions and the fact that none
of their arrangements had been challenged but also
noted that such challenge might take many years. One
key difference was that the employees who benefited
from the EBT arrangements were also the company’s
three shareholders: the arrangement was not in place
for other employees. A second scheme, from the same
promoters, which was designed to avoid higher rate and
additional rate tax on distributions to shareholders by use
of planning involving an interest in possession trust, was
entered into in 2012.
The advice taken beyond the promoter’s information
documents and presentations was limited. One director
of the company had called a lawyer friend and had drawn
some comfort from his view that EBT schemes ‘worked’
but the court were clear that the conversation did not
amount to even informal advice as the friend had no
details of the actual scheme proposed. The only advice
obtained that was recognised by the court was that taken
from the company’s accountant who had discussions
with other accountants at seminars and took some steps
to understand how the planning worked. Neither he
nor the directors saw legal opinions mentioned in the
promotional materials or sought formal independent
HMRC wrote to the company in June 2011 advising
that they were enquiring into the company’s use of a
marketed avoidance product and that they intended
to raise formal assessments with regard to PAYE and
NICs. Shortly afterwards, HMRC wrote to the company’s
accountants suggesting settlement terms. Determinations
were then sent by HMRC in March 2013 by which time
the company had ceased trading. The accounts for the
year ending 2012 did not make a provision for amounts
assessed by HMRC.
The key arguments raised by the liquidators were that:
- payments made to the EBT were unlawful
distributions made contrary to Part 23 of the
Insolvency Act 1986; and
- the directors had breached their statutory duties by
allowing the payments.
More specifically, the liquidator argued that the
directors had always know that the avoidance scheme did
not work, had paid away funds to the EBT and interest in
possession trust rather than making proper provision for
HMRC and that, had the PAYE and NICs liabilities been
properly taken into account, the company would have
been insolvent at the time the later payments were made.
This was strongly disputed by the directors who argued
that until the 2015 decision of the Court of Session in
Rangers, case law supported the efficacy of the scheme.
Unlawful distributions and breach of director’s duties
The court held that the payments to the EBT and the
interest in possession trust were, viewed realistically,
distributions, with the trusts acting merely as conduit
vehicles for those distributions. This was supported by
the fact that the payments were made in proportion to
the directors’ shareholdings. The distributions made after
receipt of HMRC’s letter were unlawful as, taking into
account its potential liabilities to HMRC, the company
was insolvent at that time.
This first part of the decision turns heavily on the
fact that the key employees, directors and shareholders
were the same people. The court went on to consider
the wider question of directors’ duties. Judge Briggs
held that HMRC’s June 2011 letter put the directors on
notice of a substantial debt owed to HMRC. Entering into
arrangements to distribute assets from this point, without
making proper provision for creditors, was a breach of
duties owed by the directors to the company.
As was the case in the first decision, the directors
are heavily criticised for their failure to take any formal
independent legal advice. However, Judge Briggs goes
further in reaching what he acknowledges will appear a
‘harsh conclusion’ to the directors. Despite their honesty,
when entering into the schemes, the directors, in his view,
‘chose to take a risk which they did not fully understand’.
This was compounded by the failure to take independent
legal advice, to read opinions from leading counsel
provided to the scheme promoter or to seek comfort
from HMRC in respect of the schemes. The failure to
take these steps was not reasonable conduct. Judge Briggs
concludes that this lack of understanding hindered them
from making decisions in accordance with their statutory
Two lessons
There are two particularly notable messages from
these decisions. The first is the importance of formal
independent advice when considering marketed tax
planning arrangements. The second is the need for
directors to make sure that they fully understand the
risks inherent in planning. If they fail to do so, they
face a risk of personal challenge and the strict liability
consequences of a failure to act in accordance with their
statutory duties. In Toone, the failure to provide for the contingent HMRC debt and subsequent entering into
of an arrangement to achieve a distribution of assets
was a breach of director duties despite the fact that
HMRC’s letter asserting the liabilities pre-dated HMRC’s
successful Rangers appeal at the Court of Session. This
is a striking conclusion which raises questions as to how
directors should react to HMRC enquiries whilst still at
a relatively early stage. Directors and tax advisers need to
be equally alive to these decisions.
The authors thank Susie Brain, senior knowledge lawyer
at Norton Rose Fulbright, for her contribution to this
This article first appeared in Tax Journal.