“Return” to work? | S2 EP3
Disputed - Discussions to keep your business risk-ready
The workplace Canadians are “returning” to is not what it was two years ago. The way we work – what, where and how we do it – has changed, and it’s brought rapid developments in the law. This episode starts by looking at the big-ticket issue: mandatory vaccination policies. We then look more broadly at the evolving definition of the workplace, and consider what recent case law can tell us about attitudes to employee rights when it comes to remote working, including the right to disconnect, pay equity, and discrimination risks. Joining us for this important, timely topic is employment and labour partner Jeff Landmann and associate Preston Brasch.
For more information, check out Norton Rose Fulbright’s content hub for practical guidance, timely updates and strategic insights: Return to the workplace.
CPD credits: This episode qualifies for 0.75 hours of Substantive credit in Ontario and 0.75 hours of Substantive credit in British Columbia.
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