
Destruction of Social Media accounts ≠ Transfer
September 30, 2019
What happens if a defendant doesn’t turn over social media accounts, websites and links that include disputed trademarks, but instead destroys them?
California leads the movement in permitting student athletes to profit from endorsements and sponsorships
September 26, 2019
On Wednesday, September 11, the California Senate unanimously passed S.B. 206, previously entitled the “Fair Pay To Play Act,” which, if enacted into law, would allow college athletes to accept money from sponsorships and endorsements.
Trade secrets: the price paid for a mid-season trade period
September 25, 2019
As the 2019 Australian Football League (AFL) season draws to a close, the post-Grand Final debate looks set to be dominated by the issue of whether a mid-season trade period should be introduced.
Have the lines between football and betting become blurred?
September 23, 2019
After last month’s headlines surrounding Wayne Rooney’s transfer to Derby County and the alleged link with the club’s sponsor, 32 Red, an online casino, the issue of online betting and football is now back in the news after the FA’s sanction of Jordan Stevens, a 19 year-old currently playing for Leeds United.
Is there a need for unionization in esports?
September 20, 2019
Trade unions have existed in traditional sports for many years (the UK’s Professional Footballer’s Association has been operating for more than a hundred!), and can represent hundreds if not thousands of professional athletes in a multitude of sports.
The changes to the handball rule explained
September 18, 2019
As well as the usual transfer gossip dominating summer headlines within football, the changes to the refereeing and laws of the game for the 2019/20 season were also widely reported before the season started last month.
Esports – TI9 and a developer-controlled industry
September 16, 2019
With thanks to vacation scheme student Chang Hui Tze for her assistance in preparing this blog post.