Topic: Brexit
Subscribe to BrexitUK to sign Hague Convention 2019: what do I need to know?
December 20, 2023
On 23 November 2023, the UK government published its response to the consultation paper on the Hague Convention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters.
Anti-suit injunctions to restrain proceedings in EU courts
February 21, 2023
Ebury Partners Belgium SA/NV v Technical Touch BV & Anor illustrates how, post-Brexit, English courts can grant anti-suit injunctions to restrain proceedings in EU courts.
Back to the future: Forum non conveniens and Spiliada after Brexit
May 16, 2022
The High Court declines an application for a permanent stay of proceedings on the grounds that the English courts are an inappropriate jurisdiction to hear a claim in light of connections to Cyprus.