We are committed to promoting a culture of respect for people living with disabilities by removing barriers and challenges they may face in the workplace. Our strategy is two-fold: supporting accessibility and adjustments, while becoming confident and knowledgeable about disability.

Our disability confidence and awareness resources are designed to support our people to feel confident in working with and supporting people living with disabilities, allowing them to overcome any fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. We aim to remove assumptions, and instead, have respectful and meaningful interactions with people living with disabilities.

Some of our initiatives include:


In the UK, Shine, our resource group for people living with disability and/or long-term health conditions, is an inclusive network that enables all employees to share their experiences and advice while helping to raise awareness.

Dear Everybody

In Canada, as signatories of the Dear Everybody agreement, we are committed to helping end stigma against and to creating a more inclusive future for people living with disabilities. We have also pledged to use more imagery that is inclusive of people with disabilities whenever we have opportunities to do so.

Disability Inclusion Action Plan

In Australia, we have developed a Disability Inclusion Action Plan designed around four pillars: employment, systems and processes, attitudes and behaviors, and community participation. This is a whole-of-business strategy that will inform new ways of communicating and designing roles and physical space, as well as how we recruit.

12-month Learnership Program

In partnership with a third-party service provider in South Africa, we have developed a structured 12-month learnership program focused on employing persons with disabilities. Through completion of the program, participants receive a recognized official qualification and increase their employability by gaining valuable job experience in a corporate environment that promotes skill development.

Tailored Workplace Adjustments Passport

We support requests for adjustments and seek out opportunities to create accessibility. Our Tailored Workplace Adjustments Passport initiative in the UK is a living document that makes a record of the workplace adjustments discussed and agreed between an employee and their line manager. The passport can be used by any employee who has a short- or long-term medical condition, and/or any employee who has a sensory, physical or cognitive disability or mental health condition.