BC Ministry of Transportation Broadway Subway project
Canada | June 13, 2023
Client: BC Ministry of Transportation
Our Vancouver office advised the BC Ministry of Transportation on its Broadway Subway project, a 5-km extension of the existing SkyTrain LRT system that will include elevated guideway and board tunnel. The project includes six new underground stations, with a future phase of investment that will connect rapid transit to the University of British Columbia. The Broadway Subject Project is being procured by the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure using the DBF model.
We advised the province on all aspects of the procurement, including the RFPs, drafting, negotiating and reviewing agreements such as the project agreement with the preferred proponent, and agreements with government funding partners, municipal stakeholders and utilities. We also provided advice regarding the evaluation of proposals and selection of a preferred proponent. We continue to provide on-going advice during the construction period. The project is anticipated to be complete in 2025.