Cricket South Africa drops all charges against Mark Boucher

South Africa Press release - Business May 2022

A team of lawyers from our Johannesburg office acting for the Head Coach of the South African Men’s Cricket Team, Mark Boucher, have welcomed the decision by Cricket South Africa (CSA) to unreservedly withdraw all charges against Mark Boucher and make a contribution towards his legal costs.

Boucher said in a media statement that the allegations of racism which were levelled against him were unjustified and have caused him considerable hurt and anguish. He goes on to say that the last few months have been extremely difficult to endure for him and my family and he is glad that the process has finally come to an end and that CSA has accepted that the charges against him are unsustainable.

Our team was led by two of our directors - Mohammed Chavoos (Employment and Labour), and Jeffrey Kron (Commercial Litigation), associate designate Zaid Majiet and Luke Schooling, candidate attorney.

Mohammed Chavoos said: We welcome CSA’s decision to drop their case against Mark Boucher which essentially exonerates our client of all charges. We are truly humbled that Mark entrusted us with the responsibility of representing him in this matter which has been approached with the utmost integrity.

Boucher concluded saying that he considers that the matter is now finalised and closed and he does not intend making further statements on it. He looks forward to continuing to focus on his job and to taking the Proteas men’s team to even greater heights. 

For further information please contact:

Penny Biram, Head of Marketing

Tel: +27 11 685 8690  

