International Women’s Day is a day to reflect on and to celebrate the achievements of women around the world. It is also a day to acknowledge the progress made in advancing opportunities for women in the legal profession and beyond, while still recognizing there is work to be done to challenge the systemic barriers and biases that hinder the progress of women. 

This year, the United Nations theme for International Women’s Day is “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment”.


Signed, Me

We asked some of our colleagues to write a letter to themselves, sharing personal reflections and words of advice to empower and inspire others on their own paths.

From the challenges and turbulence faced and conquered, to celebrations of success and achievements and the importance of role models, friends and support networks, they share their inspiring stories and words of encouragement. For all women.

Video Details

What advice would you give your past self?


What empowering women can look like

Driving real change towards the advancement and empowerment of all women requires continuous and consistent action, such as:

  • Considering diversity in hiring and recruitment practices
  • Supporting career development for women (i.e. access to professional development, formal sponsorship relationships)
  • Understanding the role intersectionality plays in how women around the world experience inequality, marginalization and discrimination 
  • Recognizing the systemic barriers that exist and providing women the tools and support they need to thrive (i.e. leadership opportunities, amplification of women’s perspectives in decision-making processes)
  • Fostering a culture of respect and inclusion

Gender equity at Norton Rose Fulbright

We have globally committed to increasing the representation of women in leadership and the partnership by setting targets and putting plans in place to achieve them.

In addition to creating systemic changes that reduce unconscious bias in our decision making, we offer targeted leadership development programs for women – including coaching, mentoring and sponsorship. We facilitate and strengthen professional networking through our women’s networks and through our diversity, equity and inclusion committees and councils.


“At our firm, we are committed to fostering an environment where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Our efforts to support and advance women in the profession are not limited to one day a year. They are embedded in how we show up for our people every day.” 

Walied Soliman, KC, Global Chair

Driving gender equality

Transforming firm culture and processes for career advancement

DEI banner

Diversity, equity and inclusion

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