International arbitration report
In this edition, we focused on the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission’s (SHIAC) new arbitration rules, which take effect January 1, 2024.
Global | Publication | October 2023
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (ECCT Act) received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023. It follows publication of the UK Government’s response to the Corporate Transparency and Register Reform White Paper published in February 2022 and builds on the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement Act 2022 (ECTEA) which received Royal Assent in March 2022.
The ECCT Act sets out further wide-ranging reforms to tackle economic crime and improve transparency over corporate entities, including through reforms to the role of the UK companies registry, Companies House. The reforms relating to Companies House are aimed at, among other things, strengthening the UK’s business environment and improving the reliability of data it maintains so as to inform business transactions and lending decisions across the economy. A number of changes are also being made to processes and requirements for company formation and administration, including requiring identity verification of directors and persons with significant control of UK companies.
The ECCT Act also creates a new failure to prevent fraud offence to hold organisations to account if they profit from fraud committed by their employees. This is aimed at improving fraud prevention and protection of victims. Under the new offence, an organisation will be liable where a specified fraud offence is committed by an employee or agent, for the organisation’s benefit, and the organisation did not have reasonable fraud prevention procedures in place. Further information on this is here.
In addition, the ECCT Act reforms corporate criminal liability laws for economic crimes to hold corporations liable in their own right for economic crime. This is aimed at strengthening the ability to apply corporate liability to the makeup of modern corporations, particularly large complex structures, and deter instances where senior managers use their authority granted under the corporation to commit economic crimes.
Implementation of the provisions in the ECCT Act (which, among other things, amend the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006)) will be in stages since many will need systems development and secondary legislation before they can be implemented. While the implementation timetable has not yet been published, Companies House is being readied to oversee and enforce a large number of the changes being introduced. In addition, a number of Factsheets giving details of a number of measures in the ECCT Act have been updated and are available here.
This briefing considers some of the key reforms set out in the ECCT Act.
The ECCT Act includes a number of provisions that seek to improve the reliability of data maintained by Companies House, including the following:
While some of these measures will require new secondary legislation and guidance, as well as system development following Royal Assent, so will take some time to implement, a number of the Registrar’s new powers are likely to come into force in early 2024. An updated Factsheet on the role and powers of the Registrar published by the Government states that companies will be given guidance to help understand how and why the new powers might be used by the Registrar, and to provide examples of appropriate evidence that can be submitted.
Amendments being made by the ECCT Act to sections in the CA 2006 concerning the formation of a company include the following:
A company’s registered office will be required to be an ‘appropriate address’ at all times. An ‘appropriate address’ means an address where, in the ordinary course of events, a document addressed to the company, and delivered there by hand or by post, would be expected to come to the attention of a person acting on behalf of the company, and the delivery of documents is capable of being recorded by the obtaining of an acknowledgement of delivery. Failure to meet this requirement will be an offence punishable by fines.
Among other things, the Registrar will have power to change the address of a company’s registered office, both on application and on its own motion, if not satisfied that it is an appropriate address.
In addition, all companies will have to maintain an appropriate email address, being one at which, in the ordinary course of events, emails sent to it by the Registrar would be expected to come to the attention of a person acting on behalf of the company. Failure to maintain an appropriate email address, without reasonable excuse, will be an offence and the company and its officers will be subject to a criminal penalty. The purpose of this new requirement is to allow the Registrar to communicate with all companies electronically but the registered email address will not made available for public inspection.
A Companies House blog post published on 26 October 2023 suggests that these two measures are likely to be implemented in early 2024.
New identity verification requirements will apply to existing directors, PSCs, and those delivering documents to the Registrar. Existing companies will have a transitional period in which to verify these identities. Identity verification requirements will also apply to all new registered company directors and PSCs. The aim of these requirements is to make it harder to make anonymous filings at Companies House, to discourage the hiding of company control through nominees or opaque corporate structures, and to make the data provided by Companies House more reliable.
Details relating to the procedure for identity verification are to be set out in regulations to be made by the Secretary of State under new section 1110B CA 2006 (which will also include exemptions from the identity verification requirements). However, the ECCT Act makes provision for a ‘unique identifier’ to be allocated to each person whose identity has been verified so that the Registrar can identify those that deliver documents to Companies House or have been verified as a director, PSC or relevant officer of a registrable relevant legal entity (see further below).
A Factsheet on identity verification published by the Government states that an individual’s identity will be verified if the person has verified their identity with the Registrar directly via Companies House or if a verification statement in respect of the person has been delivered to the Registrar by an authorised corporate service provider (ACSP).
The Factsheet notes that if a person is verifying their identity directly with Companies House, identity verification will link a person with a primary identity document, such as a passport or driving licence. The person undergoing verification will take a photograph or scan of their face and the identifying document. The two will be compared, using likeness matching technology, and the identity verified. If successful, the Factsheet states that the person will be notified in a matter of minutes. The Factsheet also states that primary identity documents may be checked against Government databases as part of the identity checking process, that alternative methods will be available for individuals without photographic ID and that digitally assisted/non-digital identity verification will be available for users who cannot use the digital identity verification system.
It will be possible to use an ACSP to file documents with the Registrar, form a new registerable entity, or verify identity. For ACSPs (likely to be intermediaries such as accountants, legal advisers, and company formation agents registered with a supervisory body for anti-money laundering (AML) purposes and who already have an existing obligation to carry out customer due diligence checks on all of their clients), the Factsheet notes that identity verification will build on their existing checks. ACSPs will have to register with the Registrar and demonstrate that they are supervised for AML purposes. They will also have to declare that they have completed all of the necessary identity verification checks when they interact with the Registrar and Companies House and maintain particular records in relation to identity verifications they undertake.
The ECCT Act provides that information provided to the Registrar in relation to individual identity verification, including the unique identifiers allocated to those whose identity has been verified, will not be made available to the public.
As mentioned above, once the relevant provisions come into force, there will be a transitional period for existing directors and their equivalents, and for PSCs to verify their identity, giving existing directors and PSCs time to comply with the new requirements.
For directors of a new company, identity verification must take place before an application for the formation of a company is delivered to the Registrar. Post-incorporation, a new director must verify their identity as soon as possible and must do so before their appointment is notified to the Registrar by a company (so within 14 days of their appointment). There will be limited exemptions from identity verification for directors but these will be dependent on the Secretary of State issuing an exemption notice either in the interests of national security, or for the purposes of preventing or detecting serious crime.
Existing PSCs will be required within 14 days of the appointed day (to be determined by regulations) to deliver to the Registrar a statement that their identity is verified and will be required to maintain that verified status from the expiry of this 14-day period. Registerable relevant legal entities (RLEs) will be required to deliver to the Registrar within 28 days of an appointed day (also to be determined by regulations) a statement specifying the name of a verified relevant officer (a director in the case of a company), together with a statement by that individual confirming that they are a relevant officer of the entity. RLEs will be required to maintain a verified relevant officer from the expiry of this 28-day period.
The Factsheet points out that in general, it is expected that identity verification will be a one-off requirement. Once a person is verified, they will obtain a verified status. However, there may be instances where re-verification is required, for example if someone changes their name. The events that will trigger the requirement to re-verify will be set out in secondary legislation.
The consequences of non-compliance with the identity verification requirements will depend on the circumstances. However, an individual who fails to comply with a requirement to verify their identity with the Registrar, could be subject to criminal proceedings (which could result in a fine), civil penalties issued by the Registrar, incorporations/registration of a new company being rejected, being unable to file statutory filings, the public register being annotated to show the individual’s status as ‘unverified’ and, for directors, failing to verify could also result in them being prohibited from acting as a director.
Since these measures will require new secondary legislation and guidance, as well as system development at Companies House, they will take some time to implement.
Anyone wishing to file documents with the Registrar will need to verify their identity before they do so unless they fall within an exception. The only exceptions will be individuals who are either themselves ACSPs registered by the Registrar, officers or employees of firms which are ACSPs, or individuals who are subject to an identity verification exception to be set out in secondary legislation.
As a result, individuals filing documents on their own behalf and individuals delivering documents on behalf of someone else will have to have had their identity verified in advance. In the latter case, the person delivering the documents must also confirm they have the relevant person’s authority to do so. This means, for example, that a director filing on behalf of a company will need to confirm they have authority to do so and the purpose of this provision is to serve as a deterrent to unauthorised individuals delivering documents to the Registrar. It also means that a company secretary, who is not otherwise required to have their identity verified as such under the ECCT Act, would nonetheless need to be identity verified if they are to file documents on their company’s behalf at Companies House.
New provisions relating to directors include the following:
While the ECCT Act itself does not make provisions in relation to corporate directors, the Factsheet on identity verification and ACSPs notes that the Government already has powers to restrict the use of corporate directors1 and these will be brought into force in parallel with the ECCT Act, along with regulations which will set out the more limited basis upon which companies will be permitted to retain or appoint corporate directors in the future. The “principle based” exception proposals which the Government consulted on in December 20202, will form the basis of these regulations.
As a result, it will be made explicit that only corporate entities with ‘legal personality’ will be properly appointable as corporate directors. All directors of the latter will have to be natural persons and those natural person directors must, prior to the corporate director appointment, have been subject to an appropriate identity verification process. In addition only UK registered corporate directors will be permitted.
Once the relevant provisions come into force, existing companies with corporate directors will be given 12 months to comply and within that time they must either ensure their corporate director is compliant with the conditions set out above or resign them. New companies or existing companies appointing a corporate director for the first time will have to ensure they satisfy the conditions from the date this measure comes into force.
A number of significant provisions relating to registers of members and the information in them are included in the ECCT Act:
A Factsheet on improving transparency of company ownership states that through regulations to be made under the CA 2006, more transparency will be required in relation to the current PSC regime set out in the CA 2006.
Companies claiming an exemption from the requirement to provide details of their PSCs will need to state why they satisfy the conditions for an exemption and, if listed, they must state which market they are listed on and where their shareholder information can be found.
Companies owned and controlled by an RLE will need to state the conditions satisfied for that RLE to be recorded as a PSC, and, if the RLE is listed, state the market it is listed on.
In addition, as mentioned above, all registrable RLEs will have to notify the Registrar of a relevant officer whose identity has been verified, and maintain a relevant officer with verified status.
The ECCT Act is abolishing the requirements for the following company registers to be maintained by companies. Instead, all relevant information will be maintained on the register at Companies House:
The ECCT Act includes some reforms relating to the information that must be filed at Companies House.
Micro-entities will be required to file a balance sheet and a profit and loss account, and may choose to file a directors’ report. Small companies that do not meet the micro-entity threshold will be required to file annual accounts and a directors’ report. The option for small companies to prepare and file abridged accounts is also being removed.
Where companies rely on audit exemptions (including dormant companies), their directors will have to make a statement when claiming an audit exemption, to confirm that the company qualifies for the exemption.
In an updated Factsheet on company accounts, the Government states that further changes are intended to be made at a later date using existing legislative powers or powers being passed through the ECCT Act, including mandating digital filing and full tagging of financial information in iXBRL format, as well as reducing the number of times a company can shorten its Accounting Reference Period.
The ECCT Act gives the Secretary of State certain powers in relation to company names as follows:
The ECCT Act also includes provisions to prohibit a company that has been directed to change its name (and has done so), from re-registering under its previous name or one similar to it, and to prohibit directors or shareholders involved with that company from using the original name (or similar) in forming another company. In addition, some changes to the way in which objections to company names are considered by the company names adjudicator are proposed, as well as changes to enhance the Registrar’s powers in connection with company name changes.
An updated Factsheet on company names published by the Government states that these measures will require consequential changes and new secondary legislation and guidance, as well as system development, following Royal Assent so are likely to take some time to implement.
Changes to the CA 2006 will allow the Registrar, by means of Registrar’s rules, to mandate the manner of delivery of documents, removing current limitations on the Registrar’s ability to mandate electronic delivery.
Two specific filing changes are included in the ECCT Act. Section 649 CA 2006 (registration of court order confirming reduction of share capital and statement of capital) is being amended to remove the requirement to produce an original court order, although the production of a copy of the court order will continue to be required. This amendment makes section 649(1) consistent with other sections of the CA 2006, where only a copy of the order is required. In addition, section 89 Insolvency Act 1986 (statutory declaration of solvency) is being amended to replace the requirement to produce an original declaration of solvency with the requirement to produce a copy of the declaration of solvency.
A new section 1068A is also being inserted into the CA 2006 to confer a general power on the Registrar to make rules that for filings that consist of two or more documents, all component documents must be filed together at the same time.
The current general false statement offence in section 1112 CA 2006 is being amended by removing the need for a person to have ‘knowingly or recklessly’ delivered, or caused to be delivered to the Registrar a document or statement which is false, deceptive or misleading in a material particular for an offence to occur. The emphasis is being changed so that a false statement offence occurs where a person delivers a false, deceptive or misleading filing ‘without a reasonable excuse’. The reasonable excuse component ensures that the offence is not engaged in, for example, cases where a company reasonably relies on information provided by others which turns out to be untrue, or to prevent UK professionals assisting companies being prosecuted from having made an honest mistake.
New section 1112A CA 2006 adds an aggravated offence which is committed by a person who knows that the document or statement provided is misleading, false or deceptive in a material fact, while new section 1112B provides a defence to this. It provides that the Secretary of State may issue a certificate to a person, the effect of which is that the person is not liable for the commission of any offence relating to the delivery to the Registrar of a document that is false, misleading or deceptive or making a statement to the Registrar that is false, misleading or deceptive. However, the Secretary of State may only issue such a certificate if satisfied that the conduct amounting to such offence is necessary in the interests of national security or for the prevention or detection of serious crime.
Similar new false statement offences (both in connection with responding to or failing to respond to information notices and more generally) are also being introduced by the ECCT Act in relation to the Register of Overseas Entities maintained by the Registrar pursuant to ECTEA. In addition, the Reports on Payments to Governments Regulations 2014 are to be amended by the ECCT Act so that their structure of false statement offences is in line with those to be included in the amended CA 2006. This is so as to provide consistency and clarity to businesses.
In relation to financial penalties, currently obligations in the CA 2006 relating to the functions of the Registrar are enforced through the criminal justice system. The exception to this is the accounts late filing civil financial penalty. The ECCT Act reforms the role and powers of Companies House in this area.
As part of these reforms the associated sanctions are being improved by amending existing criminal offences, creating new criminal offences, and taking a power to create a new civil penalties regime. As a result, where the Registrar determines beyond reasonable doubt that a person has engaged in conduct that would amount to an offence under the CA 2006, the Registrar will be able to impose a financial penalty directly, rather than pursuing criminal prosecution through the courts, where that is a more appropriate use of resources.
The link between civil sanctions and director disqualification will also be strengthened by an amendment to section 3 Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 to ensure that financial penalties can be used as grounds to disqualify a director.
In terms of implementation of these measures, an updated Factsheet on civil sanctions and offences published by the Government states that these measures will require consequential changes and new secondary legislation and guidance, as well as system development, following Royal Assent.
Part 2 of the ECCT Act introduces changes to the legislation on limited partnerships. The aim of this is to bring relevant legislation up to date and to tackle perceived abuses of limited partnerships. These changes include the following:
The broader reforms to Companies House in other parts of the ECCT Act will also impact limited partnerships by expanding the role and powers of the Registrar over limited partnerships, introducing mandatory identity verification of general partners and providing for enhanced data sharing of information about limited partnerships. The Government’s updated Factsheet on limited partnerships provides further information.
An updated Factsheet on the impact of the corporate transparency reforms in the ECCT Act on LLPs states that secondary legislation will be passed in due course which adapts company law, as amended by the ECCT Act, to the law governing LLPs.
Among other things, this will mean that all of the members of LLPs will be required to verify their identities and it will be an offence to fail to do so. They will also be required to verify the identity of their PSCs. Where a partner is a corporate entity, all of the directors (or equivalents) will also be required to verify their identity.
The changes introduced through the ECCT Act will also all apply to information that LLPs submit to Companies House. For example, the Registrar will be given new powers to query the information that is held about an entity on the Register. The Registrar will also be able to proactively exchange information with other bodies, for the purpose of exercising the Registrar’s functions or for purposes connected with the functions of a public authority that the Registrar exchanges information with.
LLPs that are the general partners of limited partnerships, and which are also corporate entities, will be required to name a managing officer who is an individual, for the purpose of communicating with the general partner and the new corporate director reforms (see further above), will apply to LLPs acting as corporate directors. An LLP will only be able to act as a corporate director if all its members have had their identity verified.
Many of the provisions in the ECCT Act have been long-anticipated, with potential reforms to the UK’s corporate registration framework and the role of the Registrar first being consulted on back in 2019. The ECCT Act takes forward measures designed to prevent abuse of that framework and it builds on the ECTEA which came into force in 2022. However, it imposes significant new reporting and disclosure requirements on companies, their directors and members with little indication yet of when most of the provisions are likely to come into effect. Companies and their advisers will welcome sight of the implementation timetable, as well as of the necessary secondary legislation required to implement many of the provisions.
In addition, guidance on means of avoiding committing offences in the ECCT Act without ‘reasonable excuse’ will be welcomed, as well as an indication of when Companies House is likely to have updated its systems as that will then result in many of the new identity verification and other reporting requirements coming into effect.
In this edition, we focused on the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission’s (SHIAC) new arbitration rules, which take effect January 1, 2024.
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