Bernard O'Shea

Bernard O'Shea
Bernard O’Shea is a corporate and commercial lawyer based in Melbourne. He is a leading practitioner in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, and technology, media and telecommunications.
Bernard’s high-order legal and technical skills and acknowledged expertise in intellectual property, pharmaceutical and biotechnology, and information technology have see him develop a niche practice in these highly specialised areas of the law.
Bernard’s experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries covers the whole product development cycle from research, clinical trials, product development and commercialisation, including licensing and fund-raisings, product registration, marketing and promotional arrangements, product liability and recall arrangements. He has an intimate knowledge of government policy and relevant legislation and has worked on a number of key industry issues such as pricing and reimbursement.
In the information technology area, Bernard concentrates on larger IT projects, bridging the gap between the traditional legal role and the technology specialist. Bernard is considered an expert in PKI systems, telecommunications and information technology, patent and software licensing.