Communication and collaboration
Global | Publication | 11 May 2021
May 11, 2021The challenge for in-house teams
Many in house teams experience a disconnect between the reality of their role and the value they bring to the business, and what the business understands and expects from them. With multiple stakeholder groups, often with competing priorities and values, it can be difficult to know how to bridge that gap in order to build stronger, more transparent relationships with business stakeholders and other support functions. To do this, GCs require a plan.
Did you know?
- Fewer than 20% of Legal departments use change management processes to embed legal operations initiatives
- Only half of Legal departments say that they create and drive positive relationships with other support functions ‘at least moderately well’
- More than half of Legal departments incorporate clear communication plans into their change management processes
- A third of Legal departments do not create regular reports for the Board or C-Level executives
*Results from the Legal Operations Health Check benchmark