Event Details


Global Accreditation 1.0 CLE New York, Texas, California and Illinois | 1.2 CLE Missouri | November 29, 2023

Across the globe we have seen an active movement towards ensuring a more inclusive workplace. Key to this is how employers regulate and investigate any issues of workplace harassment. Investigating allegations of harassment is a complex area.  

Please join us for the next session in our global investigations masterclass webinar series, where teams from our offices across the globe will provide tips on how to carry out effective investigations and how to avoid common pitfalls, including:

  • How to balance the competing rights and interests of the victim and the alleged harasser
  • Whether suspension of the victim and alleged harasser is permitted
  • How to maintain confidentiality during the investigation and whether the complainant can remain anonymous
  • How to balance the interests of HR teams and the interests of regulators or compliance
  • Who should conduct the investigation and when to bring in external counsel and what are the implications of doing so 

Continuing education

For those attending the live webinar, this program is eligible for 1 General CLE credit in New York, Texas, California and Illinois, 1.2 General CLE credits in Missouri and is pending 1.0 General CLE credit in Minnesota, Colorado and Georgia.



Head of Employment - Europe, Middle East and Asia
US Chair, Head of Employment and Labor, United States
Partner, Labour