
Healthcare investigations and enforcement trends in the US

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Regulation on Private Hospitals is amended

With the amendment of the Regulation on Private Hospitals published in the Official Gazette dated 17 December 2022, a new requirement for site selection is introduced. Accordingly, applicants are required to submit a document showing that the site is in the private health area in the applied zoning plan in accordance with the zoning legislation, or in the area of educational facilities where a health facility can be built. This requirement will not apply to applications that have applied for a preliminary permit but have not yet been finalized or are under review. 

With the amendment the operation of a part of the hospital shall be temporarily suspended if (i) a deficiency is detected in any unit or part of the hospital that adversely affect the treatment of patients, until the deficiency is eliminated, (ii) situations that may adversely affect the health of the society or health service recipients arise until such deficiencies or situations are eliminated. Furthermore, provision resulting in temporary suspension of the entire hospital in the event of situations that may adversely affect the treatment of health service users is removed.

Finally, in case of a violation of patient rights, the activities of the relevant unit committing such violation shall be temporarily suspended by the Governorship upon the decision of the Ministry until appropriate conditions are provided, so as not to disrupt the diagnosis and treatment process of patients outside the unit and administrative and judicial proceedings shall be initiated against those concerned in accordance with the relevant legislation.


Partner, Pekin Bayar Mizrahi
Junior Partner, Pekin Bayar Mizrahi

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