A new regulation removes the capacity limits in hybrid wind power plants in Turkey
On 5 November 2022, the Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Board’s (the Board) decision amending the Principles and Procedures on the Determination of Power Plant Fields of Generation Facilities Subject to Pre-license or License in Electricity Market (the Principles and Procedures) has been published in the Official Gazette of Turkey.
The amendments removed the limits concerning the total mechanical installed capacity of the units based on supplementary sources for hybrid power plants using wind power as the main source.
Accordingly, hybrid power plants using wind power as the main source will not be subject to the below limits set forth by article 24(1) of the Principles and Procedures with regards to their units generating electricity from supplementary sources:
- if the total installed capacity of the units using the main source is equal to or below 50MW, the total capacity of the units using supplementary sources cannot exceed the total installed capacity of the units using the main source;
- if the total installed capacity of the units using the main source is above 50MW, the total capacity of the units using supplementary sources cannot exceed the sum of 50MW and the half of the amount of total capacity of the units using the main sources exceeding the 50MW threshold; and
- In any case, the total mechanical installed capacity of the units generating electricity from supplementary sources cannot exceed 100MW.
Hybrid power plants continue to attract more investments and removal of the limits will undoubtedly help the investors to develop more bankable projects while increasing the portion of renewable energy resources in the energy mix.