Ralf Koschmieder

Ralf Koschmieder
Dr Ralf Koschmieder is a tax and regulatory lawyer based in our Frankfurt office. He advises asset managers in all aspects of fund formation and access solutions as well as institutional investors, such as insurance companies, pension funds and banks, regarding tax and regulatory aspects of the investment of their restricted assets. Ralf's work has a focus on alternative asset classes in particular real estate, infrastructure and private debt.
Ralf has studied in Germany, Finland and China and is qualified as a German lawyer and a German tax consultant. In addition to his education in law he also studied business administration and holds a German MBA (Diplom-Kaufmann).
Professional experience
- Rechtsanwalt, Steuerberater
Ralf Koschmieder is the author of various publications on tax and regulatory matters relevant for the asset management industry.
Fischer / von Livonius / Weiser, Kommentar (KAGB), §§ 214 - 217 (Kommentar)
„Kriterien der Gewerblichkeit bzw. aktive unternehmerische Bewirtschaftung bei Kreditfonds“, RdF, 2024, 212 (Co-Author with Tino Duttiné)
„Was sich auf EU-Ebene bei ESG und Sustainable Finance für Versicherungen ändert“ dpn 10/2022 (Co-Author with Udo Pickartz – article in journal)
Vorinsolvenzrechtliches Restrukturierungsverfahren - Effiziente Verfahren aus der Sicht der Rechtsökonomie (jubilee publication dedicated to Ludwig Gramlich)
Frankfurter Kommentar zum Kapitalanlagerecht, Band 3: Recht der Assetklassen, Kapitel 10: Infrastrukturfonds, (legal commentary)
Die Immobilien-Gesellschaft im Aufsichtsrecht, Absolut Report 01/2019, (Co-author with Martin Krause - article in journal)
Effizientes Insolvenzrecht: Eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung unter Verwendung der Spieltheorie. (doctoral thesis)
The empirical relationship between the spreads of Credit Default Swaps and Bonds. (Co-author with Furong Liang – scientific essey)
Erwerb eigener Aktien: Probleme, Verfahren und Auswirkungen. (diploma thesis)
- German
- English