Hélène Lefebvre

Hélène Lefebvre
Hélène Lefebvre's main practice areas are insurance law and professional liability. She was the chair of our insurance and professional liability team and the leader of our Canadian Insurance international business group for many years.
Ms. Lefebvre's insurance practice focuses on professional liability, directors' and officers' liability and general liability insurance. She represents the interests of insurers and their insureds before the courts at all levels.
Ms. Lefebvre frequently defends the interests of professionals in civil actions or disciplinary proceedings, including defending accountants and lawyers in class-action proceedings involving tax shelters, securities and mutual funds brought by shareholders and investors. She has also assisted clients, including professionals, in giving testimony in investigations undertaken by securities regulators, agencies and various professional bodies.
Ms. Lefebvre has also appeared before parliamentary committees, including the Committee on Public Finance of the Quebec National Assembly to make representations regarding bills under consideration.
Professional experience
Rankings and recognitions
Rankings and recognitions
- Best Lawyers in Canada: Legal Malpractice Law, 2006-2024; Director and Officer Liability Practice, 2012-2024
- Best Lawyers in Canada: Legal Malpractice Law "Lawyer of the Year," 2022
- Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory (2015-2016): recommended in Litigation – Directors’ and Officers’ Liability
- Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory (2012-2013): recommended in Professional Liability
- Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory (2012); recommended in Class Actions; Litigation - Commercial Insurance
LL.L., Université de Montréal, 1978
- Quebec 1979
Speaking engagements
Speaking engagements
- "Business Valuators: Common Experts – Jointly instructed Experts," at the conference of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV) held on June 21, 2019.
- "Business Valuators: New Targets for Plaintiffs?" at the conference of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV) held on September 4, 2008.
- "L'assurance responsabilité D&O : Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir mais n'avez jamais osé demander" (co-author: M.A. Lamarche), Canadian Bar Association, November 21, 2007.
- "La requête pour ordonner à un assureur de prendre fait et cause pour son assuré, plus communément appelée 'Requête Wellington'," MAIW luncheon, April 17, 2007.
- "L'assurance responsabilité des administrateurs et dirigeants de sociétés commerciales" (co-author: F. Lemelin), Insight Conference, November 28, 2005, also published in Droit des affaires et gestion d'entreprise - Risques et responsabilités Actionnaires . Administrateurs . Dirigeants, Insight Information.
- "Les stratégies efficaces pour réussir une preuve par témoin expert : comment tout peut bien ou mal tourner," in L'Évaluation de la valeur d'une entreprise, The Canadian Institute, November 11, 2004.
- "Processus : l'audience disciplinaire," Réglementation touchant les professionnels et audience disciplinaire, Infonex, April 28, 1999.
- "Imposition d'une sanction : Qu'est ce qui est juste et raisonnable?" Discipline et réglementation professionnelles, Infonex, December 11, 2001.
- "Responsabilité professionnelle des fiscalistes," presentation to tax practitioners of Raymond Chabot Martin Paré, September 15, 1997.
- "La responsabilité professionnelle envers les tiers," McGill University, May 1997.
Memberships and activities
Memberships and activities
- Canadian Bar Association
- Insurance Section
- Civil Litigation Section
- American Bar Association
- Associate member
- Montreal Association of Insurance Women