Inside Türkiye: Blog

New guidelines set the stage for crypto asset platform establishment: What you need to know

September 03, 2024

The Capital Markets Board (CMB) unveiled a significant regulatory framework for crypto asset trading platforms.

Updates in personal data processing requirements in Türkiye

August 20, 2024

A recent information note by the Personal Data Protection Authority brings in new updates to the Personal Data Processing Requirements, parallel to the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

Decrease of monetary thresholds for IPOs in certain sectors

April 16, 2024

Due to the difficulties for certain sectors to reach the increased financial thresholds while considering an IPO, the Capital Markets Board recently announced a principle decision regarding the decrease of the monetary thresholds.

Amendments regarding the law on the protection of personal data

March 21, 2024

The amendments to the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 with the Law Proposal No. 7499 on the Amendment of the Criminal Procedure Law and Certain Laws is published at the Official Gazette of Türkiye on 12th of March, 2024.

New ruling of the Constitutional Court unravelling legal inconsistencies

March 19, 2024

The Turkish Constitutional Court recently issued a notable decision on the matter of inconsistencies observed in the decisions rendered by 13th Civil Chamber of the Court of Appeal regarding non-pecuniary damages cases filed on the grounds of damage to the right of personality due to breach of contract.

Recent changes in the Communiqué about the protection of the Turkish currency’s value

March 05, 2024

The Communiqué on Decree No. 32 on the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency (“Communiqué”) has been amended with the Communiqué (No: 2024-32/69) Amending the Communiqué.

The authority of arbitrators regarding execution proceedings

March 01, 2024

Under Turkish law, if a creditor files a claim before an execution office when their receivable is not based on a court judgment or a pledge, the execution office will send a payment order to the debtor.

Guideline for data privacy in mobile applications in Türkiye

February 26, 2024

Under the Guidelines, the Board underlined the importance of the protection of the personal data of data subjects in mobile applications used in smart devices.

Is 2024 an “M&A year” for Türkiye?

February 22, 2024

Türkiye’s M&A outlook is driven by a number of factors which may be difficult to forecast.

Amendment to the Regulation on Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers in Türkiye

February 20, 2024

The amendments introduced the Insurance and Private Pension Supervisory and Audit Authority and Board into the lexicology of the regulation.