Micaela Garcia-Ribeyro
Micaela has more than fifteen years of experience working in finance and projects practice groups, representing project developers and lenders (commercial banks, multilateral agencies, export credit agencies, and development banks), in domestic and cross-border transactions, in the energy, power, and infrastructure industries.
Professional experience
Representative experience
Representative experience
- Legal director for the construction consortium responsible for the EPC of a petrochemical project located in Veracruz, Mexico, consisting of 1050kt/y ethylene cracker, two high-density polyethylene plants, one low-density polyethylene plant and ancillary facilities.
- Representing IFC and Bancomext in the financing of the 120 MW Perote II Solar Project, located in Veracruz, Mexico, under development by X-Elio Energy.
- Represented IFC in the refinancing to Virgin Mobile Latin America and Virgin Mobile Colombia for the development and operation of a virtual mobile network in Colombia, Chile and Mexico.
- Representing IDB Invest, MUFG Bank and Spain's ICO in the financings of the 92 MW Conejos Solar Project, the 70 MW Guanajuato Solar Project and the 81 MW Xoxocotla Solar Project. All three solar projects are located in Mexico and are being developed by X-Elio Energy.
- Representing IDB Invest, Bancomext and ING in the financing of the 250 MWp Navojoa solar plant located in Sonora, Mexico, under development by X-Elio Energy.
- Represented a US federal agency in its proposed financing to a US company producing energy efficient commercial and residential glass.
- Represented a leading US independent power producer in all contractual arrangements for the development of a thermal fly ash beneficiation facility located in Maryland.
- Represented Parsons Transportation Group in the development of the US$1.5 billion Houston Light Rail Phase 2 Public Private Partnership to create four light rail lines serving the Houston metropolitan area.
- Represented a US financial institution in connection with its refinancing to a Canadian holding company in the acquisition of four cogeneration power plants in North America.
- Represented a US financial institution in the financing of several ethanol production facilities throughout the United States
- Represented IFC in the financing of a hydroelectric power plant located in Chile.
- Represented a leading international financial institution in connection with its financing to a Mexican railroad company, under the United States Export-Import Bank master guarantee program.
- Represented a leading international financial institution in connection with its financing to a Uruguayan utility company under the United States Export-Import Bank master guarantee program.
- Represented a leading international financial institution in connection with its financing to an Israeli company, utilizing an innovative political risk insurance product from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).
- Represented IFC in connection with its financing to an independent Canadian oil and gas company, to develop oil and gas projects in Venezuela.
- Represented IFC in connection with its financing to a Bolivian natural gas transportation company.
LLM, Columbia University, 2003
JD, summa cum laude, Universidad de Lima, 1998
- District of Columbia Special Legal Consultant
- New York State Bar
- Peru Bar
Memberships and activities
Memberships and activities
- Member, New York State Bar Association
- Member, American Bar Association, Business Law Section
- English
- Spanish