NRF Transform abstract

NRF Contract Management Solution for Asset Finance

Manage your finance documents efficiently and effectively using our asset finance Contract Management Solution.

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A simple, accessible, centralised repository for all your finance and leasing contracts and your chosen extracted data. Built on the Microsoft Power Platform for security and interoperability.

Our experienced global asset finance specialists have developed a contract management solution tailored to the needs of multi-national companies in the transportation and asset finance world.

Key features

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Intuitive, customisable user interface for ease of use

  • Simple home page, enabling easy navigation across your contract landscape.
  • Sophisticated search capability, across all document content and associated data simultaneously.
  • Ability to filter against customised fields to narrow review, identify trends or restrict search results.

Configured to your requirements

  • Our asset finance specialists, with extensive contractual knowledge, support you to design your optimal data model.
  • Contract database organised so documents grouped for ease of access and holistic view of landscape.
  • Easily configured to your organisation and individual contract types, ensuring relevant items to you are extracted for review, analysis and reporting.
  • Flexible user permissions to ensure appropriate access for all members of the organisation.

Direct access to readable, searchable contracts and their data

  • Read contracts alongside your chosen extracted data points alongside for ease of review and analysis.
  • Easy interface for new document upload and data capture.
  • We can assist with contract and data migration to remove the burden from you and ensure it is completed quickly and accurately. We can also support on an ongoing basis if required.

Dashboards, reporting & alerts

  • Create bespoke dashboards for specific reporting needs e.g asset delivery dates, jurisdictional coverage etc., and to easily present insights.
  • Set up notifications to relevant stakeholders to ensure contractual deadlines are met e.g. financial covenant monitoring.
  • Export data quickly and easily.


Key benefits

Intuitive to use

No training required.

Saves time

A single accessible location for all contracts overcoming siloes.

Manage obligations

Notifications to manage contractual requirements.

Improves risk management

Easily identify legal and commercial risks with Contractual information at your fingertips.

Enables instant insights

Analyse data across all contracts.

Highly secure

Microsoft infra including: ISO27001, SOC 3.


How we are helping our clients

NRF Transform abstract

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